
2013-08-15 Thread yunyi_wang
大家好 有谁知道如何把cloudstack中UI分离出来,单独跑在一个server上,而cloudstack的API跑在另一个server上。

Re: 回复: Re:创业团队寻找cloudstack开发高手加入

2013-08-15 Thread Gavin Lee
@张锋 你的博客很赞啊. 收录了. 2013/8/15 Jason Yin jason_...@live.cn 称谓是啥无所谓,我现在关心的是如何把技术变成钱 -原始邮件- From: lgstar888 Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 11:33 AM To: users-cn Subject: 回复: Re:创业团队寻找cloudstack开发高手加入 这个各司其职吧,架构师要是明白boss想什么,**他还当架构师干什么?当经理人算了。 角度不同,理解肯定不同。 张锋

回复:Re: 如何把cloudstack中UI分离出来

2013-08-15 Thread yunyi_wang
我们是想学openstack那样UI是一个独立模块 , 这样后期比较好维护,而且可以多个团队同时开发, - 原始邮件 - 发件人:Gavin Lee gavin@gmail.com 收件人:users-cn@cloudstack.apache.org, yunyi_w...@sina.cn 主题:Re: 如何把cloudstack中UI分离出来 日期:2013年08月15日 17点05分

Re: 回复:Re: 如何把cloudstack中UI分离出来

2013-08-15 Thread 陈珂
在ui文件夹下搜 createURL 这个关键字就明白了 2013-08-15 陈珂 发件人: yunyi_w...@sina.cn 发送时间: 2013-08-15 17:32:52 收件人: users-cn 抄送: 主题: 回复:Re: 如何把cloudstack中UI分离出来 我们是想学openstack那样UI是一个独立模块 , 这样后期比较好维护,而且可以多个团队同时开发, - 原始邮件 - 发件人:Gavin Lee gavin@gmail.com

Re: 控制台无法使用

2013-08-15 Thread Gavin Lee
不需要Java组件. 在确定你CPVM正学运行后. 看你能否解析X-X-X-X.realhostip.com这样的地址到X.X.X.X 一般情况你本机能联外网的话没问题, 如果不能联, 可在本地etc/hosts里添加静态解析再试试. 再不行看一下日志问题所在. 2013/8/15 cylin600 cylin...@163.com 你好, 已经创建实例,在web ui中也显示正在运行,可是点击控制台无法访问,web页面访问为空,是否需要安装java的组件支持? cylin600 -- Gavin

回复: 回复: 如何把cloudstack中UI分离出来

2013-08-15 Thread zanghongtu2006
cloudstack的UI基本上只是调用api而已 单独分出来放在一个server上会不会太浪费啊 zanghongtu2006 发件人: yunyi_w...@sina.cn 发送时间: 2013-08-15 17:32 收件人: users-cn 主题: 回复:Re: 如何把cloudstack中UI分离出来 我们是想学openstack那样UI是一个独立模块 , 这样后期比较好维护,而且可以多个团队同时开发, - 原始邮件 - 发件人:Gavin Lee gavin@gmail.com


2013-08-15 Thread 求职者
计算节点的防火墙老是自动重启,不管是设置service iptables stop 还是 chkconfig iptables off 过会儿后自动就会重启,大家是怎么解决的?(环境用的是cloudstack 4.0.0 版本)

回复: 回复: 如何把cloudstack中UI分离出来

2013-08-15 Thread 高正
CS的UI已经很独立了,完全是js开发的,跟服务层的交互都是走rest接口,可以很容易将UI和后台服务分到两个团队开发和维护. 高正 发件人: yunyi_w...@sina.cn 发送时间: 2013-08-15 17:32 收件人: users-cn 主题: 回复:Re: 如何把cloudstack中UI分离出来 我们是想学openstack那样UI是一个独立模块 , 这样后期比较好维护,而且可以多个团队同时开发, - 原始邮件 - 发件人:Gavin Lee gavin@gmail.com

回复: 回复: 如何把cloudstack中UI分离出来

2013-08-15 Thread lgstar888
你有那么磊的请求压力吗?多少人操作啊? 张锋 个人正在写一套cloudstack的技术博客,有问题一起交流啊! http://www.cnblogs.com/skyme/ 发件人: zanghongtu2006 发送时间: 2013-08-15 21:48 收件人: users-cn 主题: 回复: 回复: 如何把cloudstack中UI分离出来 cloudstack的UI基本上只是调用api而已 单独分出来放在一个server上会不会太浪费啊 zanghongtu2006 发件人: yunyi_w...@sina.cn 发送时间: 2013-08-15 17:32


2013-08-15 Thread 马卫颖
如题: 请教一下如何退订,谢谢了,用的企业邮箱订阅的。真心很蛋疼 -- 马卫颖 Modern Devices(China)Ltd. 现代设备有限公司 北京环亚时代信息技术有限公司 地址: 北京市海淀区阜成路73号裕惠大厦6层(100142) 电话:(8610)66422966-5510 手机:18612707383 E-mail:maweiy...@mdcl.com.cn    

Re: Re: 回复: Re:创业团队寻找cloudstack开发高手加入

2013-08-15 Thread 陈珂
随着棱镜门事件的曝光,在公共事业单位中vmware的应用会逐步减少 2013-08-16 陈珂 发件人: Peng Wei 发送时间: 2013-08-16 09:46:35 收件人: users-cn 抄送: 主题: Re: 回复: Re:创业团队寻找cloudstack开发高手加入 各有苦恼啊,很多人是苦于没项目没钱,我们单位的处境是怕开源的不稳定,宁肯cs + vmware。 我现在的苦恼是spice真的比不上windows的rdp,在局域网里。那你说不用vmware我用什么呢。 -- Forwarded message

Re: 创业团队寻找cloudstack开发高手加入

2013-08-15 Thread Jason Yin
我目前的测试结果到是CS+KVM综合起不不比VMware要差。从灾难恢复的角度,好像还更有优势。 开源不稳定一说,你们可以尝试着给开源组织提供代码。主要还是圈外人 -原始邮件- From: Peng Wei Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 9:46 AM To: users-cn@cloudstack.apache.org Subject: Re: 回复: Re:创业团队寻找cloudstack开发高手加入 各有苦恼啊,很多人是苦于没项目没钱,我们单位的处境是怕开源的不稳定,宁肯cs + vmware。

Re: Re: 创业团队寻找cloudstack开发高手加入

2013-08-15 Thread 陈珂
能分享下KVM灾难恢复的经验么 2013-08-16 陈珂 发件人: Jason Yin 发送时间: 2013-08-16 10:51:04 收件人: users-cn@cloudstack.apache.org 抄送: 主题: Re: 创业团队寻找cloudstack开发高手加入 我目前的测试结果到是CS+KVM综合起不不比VMware要差。从灾难恢复的角度,好像还更有优势。 开源不稳定一说,你们可以尝试着给开源组织提供代码。主要还是圈外人 -原始邮件- From: Peng Wei Sent: Friday, August 16,

Re: 创业团队寻找cloudstack开发高手加入

2013-08-15 Thread Jason Yin
在写商用文档,预计下月完成初稿。到时候会共享在社区里 -原始邮件- From: 陈珂 Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 10:52 AM To: users-cn Subject: Re: Re: 创业团队寻找cloudstack开发高手加入 能分享下KVM灾难恢复的经验么 2013-08-16 陈珂 发件人: Jason Yin 发送时间: 2013-08-16 10:51:04 收件人: users-cn@cloudstack.apache.org 抄送: 主题: Re: 创业团队寻找cloudstack开发高手加入

Re: 如何退订

2013-08-15 Thread tanthalas
找你订阅的第一份邮件就有写 2013-08-16 刘宇超 Richard Liu 发件人: 马卫颖 发送时间: 2013-08-16 09:33:34 收件人: users-cn 抄送: 主题: 如何退订 如题: 请教一下如何退订,谢谢了,用的企业邮箱订阅的。真心很蛋疼 -- 马卫颖 Modern Devices(China)Ltd. 现代设备有限公司 北京环亚时代信息技术有限公司 地址: 北京市海淀区阜成路73号裕惠大厦6层(100142) 电话:(8610)66422966-5510 手机:18612707383

Re: Re: 创业团队寻找cloudstack开发高手加入

2013-08-15 Thread tanthalas
赞!如果有空来社区活动里讲讲就更好了! 2013-08-16 刘宇超 Richard Liu 发件人: Jason Yin 发送时间: 2013-08-16 10:56:05 收件人: users-cn@cloudstack.apache.org 抄送: 主题: Re: 创业团队寻找cloudstack开发高手加入 在写商用文档,预计下月完成初稿。到时候会共享在社区里 -原始邮件- From: 陈珂 Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 10:52 AM To: users-cn Subject: Re: Re:

Re: 创业团队寻找cloudstack开发高手加入

2013-08-15 Thread Jason Yin
其实,hypervisor层本身没啥好说的,就是个和CS联动的问题。KVM与VMware相比,还少了一个vCenter中层层,反而更简单了。那时候测VMware的灾难恢复时,真心蛋疼呀…… -原始邮件- From: tanthalas Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 11:12 AM To: users-cn Subject: Re: Re: 创业团队寻找cloudstack开发高手加入 赞!如果有空来社区活动里讲讲就更好了! 2013-08-16 刘宇超 Richard Liu 发件人: Jason Yin 发送时间:

Re: 创业团队寻找cloudstack开发高手加入

2013-08-15 Thread Jijun
On 08/16/2013 11:18 AM, Jason Yin wrote: 其实,hypervisor层本身没啥好说的,就是个和CS联动的问题。KVM与VMware相 比,还少了一个 vCenter中层层,反而更简单了。那时候测VMware的灾难恢复 时,真心蛋疼呀…… 疑惑了?具体讲讲? -原始邮件- From: tanthalas Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 11:12 AM To: users-cn Subject: Re: Re: 创业团队寻找cloudstack开发高手加入

Re: 创业团队寻找cloudstack开发高手加入

2013-08-15 Thread Jason Yin
官方文档给的参数有问题,坑很多。 回头看文档吧 -原始邮件- From: Jijun Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 11:22 AM To: users-cn@cloudstack.apache.org Subject: Re: 创业团队寻找cloudstack开发高手加入 On 08/16/2013 11:18 AM, Jason Yin wrote: 其实,hypervisor层本身没啥好说的,就是个和CS联动的问题。KVM与VMware相 比,还少了一个 vCenter中层层,反而更简单了。那时候测VMware的灾难恢复

Re: 回复: Re:创业团队寻找cloudstack开发高手加入

2013-08-15 Thread 田德富
Spice与RDP确实存在差距,还有较长的路要走。 在企业内部,网络情况错综复杂,在局域网内,不一定都是好的。 不过说真的,vmware在体验上,确实比kvm强啊。 在 2013年8月16日上午9:46,Peng Wei pwpeng...@gmail.com写道: 各有苦恼啊,很多人是苦于没项目没钱,我们单位的处境是怕开源的不稳定,宁肯cs + vmware。 我现在的苦恼是spice真的比不上windows的rdp,在局域网里。那你说不用vmware我用什么呢。 -- Forwarded message -- From: Gavin

Docs leading up to Apache CloudStack 4.2

2013-08-15 Thread Prasanna Santhanam
Hi All, The docs (installguide, adminguide, release notes) leading up to the Apache CloudStack 4.2 release will keep building on jenkins [1] [2] [3] as they are written/fixed/corrected. Please review them to help fix doc errors. Our tech writing team is very busy working towards bettering our

Re: Monitoring feature for CS

2013-08-15 Thread Daan Hoogland
Do you want jconsole like functionality? java statsweb CS monitors its availible resources which should be correct. Next is monitorring availibility of all processes (and system vm's). You would want to do this outside the system itself. for instance nagios? Is this answerring the question you

Re: Problem when installing Cloudstack in Ububtu 12.04

2013-08-15 Thread Kirk Kosinski
The final 4.1.1 version seems to have resolved the problems with my Ubuntu 12.04.2 KVM hosts. They were good with 4.0.1 and 4.0.2, broken on 4.1.0, and now good again with 4.1.1. I'm using a SG-enabled basic zone. Best regards, Kirk On 08/02/2013 07:56 AM, Péter Láng wrote: The solution for

Re: [Doc] Please review: VM root disk reset on reboot doc

2013-08-15 Thread Harikrishna Patnala
Thank you Jessica, doc looks good for me. -Harikrishna On 15-Aug-2013, at 8:54 AM, Jessica Tomechak jessica.tomec...@gmail.commailto:jessica.tomec...@gmail.com wrote: Since no comments have been made against this doc, I am resolving the bug. Jessica T. On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 11:16 PM,

Re: Monitoring feature for CS

2013-08-15 Thread Jijun
zenoss will ge a good choice. http://community.zenoss.org/index.jspa and a zenpack for monitor cloudstack https://github.com/zenoss/ZenPacks.zenoss.CloudStack On 08/15/2013 03:41 PM, Daan Hoogland wrote: Do you want jconsole like functionality? java statsweb CS monitors its availible

Re: importing ovf/ova file

2013-08-15 Thread Kirk Kosinski
What is the stop error code? I'd guess 0x007b. If so, you can try: 1. Boot the VM on VMware ESXi/Workstation/Player/Fusion, uninstall VMware Tools, convert VMDK to QCOW2, import to CS. 2. Try different OS Types for the VM in CS to see if any work. Best regards, Kirk On 08/14/2013 08:47 PM,

Re: Disk volume size over 2TB

2013-08-15 Thread Kirk Kosinski
Which hypervisor are you using? For XenServer and vSphere the max virtual disk size (VHD and VMDK, respectively) is ~2 TB. For a VMFS datastore on vSphere, the version and block size can limit it further, so check the VMware docs. For KVM (QCOW2) it is apparently much larger [1]. Best regards,

Re: Disk volume size over 2TB

2013-08-15 Thread Marty Sweet
Would it be possible to attach your management server log? This will usually give a pretty good idea of which part of cloudstack is causing the error. I assume you have restarted the cloud management service after changing the config? Marty On Thursday, August 15, 2013, Kirk Kosinski wrote:

答复: Monitoring feature for CS

2013-08-15 Thread Jerry Jiang
Would like to know if CS provide any API to capture this data via drivers for each hypervisor? The monitor portal connects CS. CS connects hypervisors Not sure if monitor portal connects hypervisor directly. Do I have to ensure monitor portal to connect hypervisors? Thanks Jerry

Re: vms hang in expunged state

2013-08-15 Thread Daan Hoogland
Thanks Valery, I know some colleagues had the issue as well. The work around is to delete ip-addresses first and we are using that now. I will pick it up if it reaches the top off my prio list. regards, Daan On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 12:14 PM, Valery Ciareszka valery.teres...@gmail.com wrote:

Re: 答复: Monitoring feature for CS

2013-08-15 Thread Daan Hoogland
The ui uses the api which calls the management server, which delegates functions to complete the api call to agents (for instance to query hypervisors). To add monitoring functions you'd have to extend both the api and the hypervisor drivers. Have a look at

Re: 答复: Monitoring feature for CS

2013-08-15 Thread Dave Dunaway
there are API calls to capture vCPU, vMem resource allocations. Utilization (ie: percentage of CPU used) is best gathered through the hypervisors API (ie: use the vsphere API for vmware to query vmware VMs). On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 8:02 AM, Daan Hoogland daan.hoogl...@gmail.comwrote: The ui

Re: Docs leading up to Apache CloudStack 4.2

2013-08-15 Thread Ron Wheeler
I have 7 unresolved bug issues about the installguide. Only 1 of the issues reported have been fixed. I have added 3 more and I am sure that there are any more just in Section 4 of the install guide. The docs need a lot of work and are probably no where near ready for release. There needs

Re: Docs leading up to Apache CloudStack 4.2

2013-08-15 Thread Ron Wheeler
In case anyone is trying to understand the random English I just sent, I have a version below of what I meant to say. Ron On 15/08/2013 9:07 AM, Ron Wheeler wrote: I have 7 unresolved bug issues about the installguide. Only 1 of the issues reported have been fixed. I have added 3 more and I

Re: 答复: Monitoring feature for CS

2013-08-15 Thread Steven Liang
Hi Jerry, Zenoss provides what you need. I recommend you to see http://simonljb123.wordpress.com/2013/07/16/install-zenoss-core-4-2-3-on-centos-6-4/ and http://simonljb123.wordpress.com/2013/07/18/how-to-install-cloudstack-zenpack-on-centos-6-4/

Question after a VM is deployed can I Š..

2013-08-15 Thread Old, Curtis
Trigger an event or post processing from the management server? What I am interested in doing is that after a user provisions a VM in CS I want to be able to dynamically do certain tasks. Possibly a DNS updates to my external bind server, run knife to add to chef, add to Nagios etc. Sorry if

Re: Question after a VM is deployed can I Š..

2013-08-15 Thread Venkata SwamyBabu Budumuru
You can use http://cloudstack.apache.org/docs/api/apidocs-4.0.0/root_admin/listEvents.h tml On 15/08/13 8:13 PM, Old, Curtis curtis@neustar.biz wrote: Dang I have to upgrade first :-( she's been working so well I didn't want to touch it lol Thanks! Curtis Old Neustar, Inc. / Neustarlabs

RE: XS6.1 support

2013-08-15 Thread Donal Lafferty
Be careful that you don't downgrade the vhd-util in /usr/bin. The instructions in http://cloudstack.apache.org/docs/en-US/Apache_CloudStack/4.1.1/html/Installation_Guide/management-server-install-flow.html#management-server-install provide you with an older version of vhd-util. This older

Variable speed CPUs

2013-08-15 Thread Pete Johnson
Hi, I have build a small private cloud for an RD project for one of my clients. I have 3 hosts each with 16gb memory and 8 cores (AMD) per host.I’m using Cloudstack 4.1 and hosts are Ubuntu 12.04 w/KVM. These CPUs can vary clock speeds based on bios settings which is enabled. The

Re: Variable speed CPUs

2013-08-15 Thread Bradley Hieber
What is the service offering for the guest machines? The service offering governs the type of virtual CPU presented to the guest. On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 12:04 PM, Pete Johnson pjohnso...@verizon.netwrote: Hi, I have build a small private cloud for an RD project for one of my clients. I

Re: Variable speed CPUs

2013-08-15 Thread Pete Johnson
I am planning on running a mix of service offerings, mostly small but their will be some pretty large database/processing servers using 2+ cores. Won't know how large yet. - Pete -Original Message- From: Bradley Hieber Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 12:07 PM To:

Re: Variable speed CPUs

2013-08-15 Thread Marty Sweet
In KVM and cloudstack 4.1.1 VM clock speed is enforced by the service offering set to the Guest VM. For example, if I were to make a service offering of 1vCPU running at 3Ghz and I only have a host running (at clock speed) of 2Ghz then cloudstack will refuse the start of the VM. You can see your

Re: Variable speed CPUs

2013-08-15 Thread Jithin Raju
Hi Marty, Not sure though, but I don't see the clock speed mentioned at the service offering is set as a configuration parameter of the guest OS for kvm. Rather the clock speed set for the service offering is used as a reference of the resource utilization while allocating host for the instances

Re: Variable speed CPUs

2013-08-15 Thread Pete Johnson
So I ran the lshw -C CPU command. it says the capacity is 3500MHz and the size is 1400MHz. Not sure what size means. But, per your comments and the fact that I have a 2 - core 2GHz guest running on it implies its looking at the capacity rather then size. So you are saying that

Re: Docs leading up to Apache CloudStack 4.2

2013-08-15 Thread Tracy Phillips
Ron, As a new user to CloudStack, I couldn't agree with you more. One thing that would help with a CloudStack install is instructions on setting up the nodes that will host the VM's first... then go into setting up the managment server. As it is right now, you follow along and getting into the

Re: Variable speed CPUs

2013-08-15 Thread Pete Johnson
I'm using AMD FX-8320 8-core 3.5 GHz processors with 16GB of unbuffered ECC memory. (they're the best cost/performance processor available) - Pete -Original Message- From: Jithin Raju Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 1:04 PM To: users@cloudstack.apache.org Subject: Re: Variable speed

Re: Variable speed CPUs

2013-08-15 Thread Jithin Raju
Hi Pete, Could you please compare your results with the output of dmidecode and 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' Thanks, Jithin On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 10:58 PM, Pete Johnson pjohnso...@verizon.netwrote: I'm using AMD FX-8320 8-core 3.5 GHz processors with 16GB of unbuffered ECC memory. (they're the

Re: vSwitch vs bridge

2013-08-15 Thread Carlos Reategui
Thanks for the response. I am a complete novice when it comes to VLANs so hopefully I can pull this off. My hosts/guest physical network is using a Dell PowerConnect 2848 which says it supports VLAN tags so I'll look at its docs to see what I need to do to configure it. You mention that the

Re: vSwitch vs bridge

2013-08-15 Thread Chiradeep Vittal
The system vms need a public network, so at least 2 public Ips. On 8/15/13 11:14 AM, Carlos Reategui car...@reategui.com wrote: Thanks for the response. I am a complete novice when it comes to VLANs so hopefully I can pull this off. My hosts/guest physical network is using a Dell PowerConnect

Re: 答复: Monitoring feature for CS

2013-08-15 Thread Chiradeep Vittal
A blog post or entry on the cwiki on how folks use Zenoss with CloudStack would be awesome. From: Steven Liang stevenli...@yesup.commailto:stevenli...@yesup.com Reply-To: users@cloudstack.apache.orgmailto:users@cloudstack.apache.org users@cloudstack.apache.orgmailto:users@cloudstack.apache.org

Re: Docs leading up to Apache CloudStack 4.2

2013-08-15 Thread Ron Wheeler
There are too many documentation sites and not enough attention paid to the main doc set. I agree that they ramble around; Topics are thrown in out of place; Some sections in the install are just noise, they have no actions described in them. There is no clear description of the network

Re: 答复: Monitoring feature for CS

2013-08-15 Thread Kirk Jantzer
I personally use my existing monitoring SaaS provider (LogicMonitorhttp://www.logicmonitor.com/) to monitor the hypervisors. Here's a list of what's monitored out of the box: Disks Host Status Interfaces (64 bit)- LSI MegaRAID Memory Usage Ping TCP UDP stats Xen Host CPU- Xen Host NIC- Xen Host

Re: vSwitch vs bridge

2013-08-15 Thread Carlos Reategui
On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 11:18 AM, Chiradeep Vittal chiradeep.vit...@citrix.com wrote: The system vms need a public network, so at least 2 public Ips. Can I just allocate a range of IPs within my existing for this and tag it with the public VLAN id? or do I need to create a new

Best Doc for upgrade path from 4.0.0 to 4.1.1

2013-08-15 Thread Old, Curtis
I was looking over the install guide, unless I missed it I didn't see the Upgrade option from 4.0.0 to 4.1 any good docs out there Curtis Old

Re: Best Doc for upgrade path from 4.0.0 to 4.1.1

2013-08-15 Thread Old, Curtis
Thx! Curtis Old Neustar, Inc. / Neustarlabs / Senior Research Engineer 46000 Center Oak Plaza Sterling, VA 20166 Office: +1.571.434.5384 Mobile: +1.540.532.2230 / curtis@neustar.biz / www.neustar.biz http://www.neustar.biz/ The

Cloudstack 4.1 integrate with Netscaler VPX

2013-08-15 Thread Peter Zhai
I am going to integrate Netscaler with my cloudstack 4.1 environment and below is the steps i did 1.add Netscaler VPX into guest network as a resource provider (successfully ) 2.create a new network offering with use Netscaler as loadbalance device (successfully) 3.add a new guest network with

Re: XS6.1 support

2013-08-15 Thread Carlos Reategui
Thanks Ryan. So if I am not using Security Groups there is no need to do the kernel sysctl configuration updates. How about for EIP or ELB? On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 9:34 PM, Ryan Lei ryan...@cht.com.tw wrote: XenServer 6.1 / XCP 1.6 comes with the RPMs needed for Security Groups, but you

Re: XS6.1 support

2013-08-15 Thread Carlos Reategui
Thanks for the heads up Donal. So I should copy the vhd-util from one of my XS6.1 hosts to the management server as part of the install instead of the document location. Did you create a JIRA for this? I could not find one. On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 8:39 AM, Donal Lafferty

Single Server | Advanced Mode | KVM | Cent OS 6.4

2013-08-15 Thread Maurice Lawler
Hello, I'm working with KVM | CloudStack 4.1.1 | CentOS 6.4, I am running into a issue where it goes through all the motions of setting up just fine. However, I notice when it attempts to download the CentOS template it fails, with error message: No Route To Host. I am utilizing two subnets

RE: importing ovf/ova file

2013-08-15 Thread Musayev, Ilya
Do it all the time. Windows caveat, make sure NIC is set to e1000 and not *e1000e*. Also, set your root disk to scsi in global settings. 2 ways: Painful method 1) export ovf/ova from vmware using virtual infra client to your desktop (this is slow) 2) upload the image from your desktop to a

RE: 4.1.1 can no longer add shared networks

2013-08-15 Thread Musayev, Ilya
I have to attest, I don't have the add network button either, I wonder what changed it :( We need to work on 4.1.2 release. -Original Message- From: Dave Cundiff [mailto:syshack...@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 5:43 PM To: users@cloudstack.apache.org Cc:

Re: XS6.1 support

2013-08-15 Thread Carlos Reategui
Donal, Ignore my last comment...found your JIRA entry about this https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-4082 On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 2:14 PM, Carlos Reategui car...@reategui.comwrote: Thanks for the heads up Donal. So I should copy the vhd-util from one of my XS6.1 hosts to the

About GRE isolation in CS 4.1.1

2013-08-15 Thread ACKE AC
Hello all, I'm trying to test the function of GRE solution with XenServer 6.1 and CS 4.1.1 for Guest Network, but it still needs the VLAN range to deploy the Virtual Machine. Did anyone use GRE isolation method in your environment without VLAN? The following are my testing steps: Environment:

Fwd: Cloudstack 4.1 integrate with Netscaler VPX

2013-08-15 Thread Peter Zhai
I am going to integrate Netscaler with my cloudstack 4.1 environment and below is the steps i did 1.add Netscaler VPX into guest network as a resource provider (successfully ) 2.create a new network offering with use Netscaler as loadbalance device (successfully) 3.add a new guest network with

CPU over-commitment

2013-08-15 Thread Jerry Jiang
HI all, I have question not figured out very well. (may not for CS, but I noticed CS supports CPU over-commitment) Imaging the following case, A host owns 4 physical CPUs Because apps on VM1 consume 350% CPU during 10am-11am, so I gave VM1 4 vCPUs to ensure performance Because apps

Re: Cloudstack 4.1 integrate with Netscaler VPX

2013-08-15 Thread Venkata SwamyBabu Budumuru
In case of external devices, CloudStack generates a random guest CIDR based on the VLAN that it picks. You don't have to specify any CIDR during the createNetwork. Thanks, SWAMY On 16/08/13 9:05 AM, Peter Zhai peter.z...@gmail.com wrote: I am going to integrate Netscaler with my cloudstack 4.1

Re: About GRE isolation in CS 4.1.1

2013-08-15 Thread Venkata SwamyBabu Budumuru
Few more thing that needs to be done here : 1. There is global setting sdn.ovs.controller which is by default set to false. You need to set this to true before doing any GRE enablement. 2. There should an ip configured on the PIF (cloud-guest) On 16/08/13 7:54 AM, ACKE AC acke@gmail.com

Re: CPU over-commitment

2013-08-15 Thread Bharat Kumar
Hi jiri, The actual utilization can never be greater than 400% i.e. 100% per vCPu. we are overcommitting by allocating 4 vCpus to both the VMs. if both the VMs are trying to use what is allocated then there will be contention for resources. During the contention the resource allocation is

答复: CPU over-commitment

2013-08-15 Thread Jerry Jiang
Thanks. Kumar, what you commented is defiantly what I want. Well, do you have something to share how to avoid the contention for VM1 and vm2? I propose a solution that during 9-10am stopped VM1, running vm2 During 10-11am,stopped vm2 and running vm1 Thanks Jerry Jerry -邮件原件- 发件人: