Re: [Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jeff: Up in the business sense. Scrolling down a bit is a new Oct 25 entry, allegedly from Rossi: This is what will happen next week: The E-CAT is going to be the US election Game Changer. Rossi will join

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Oops! Just to be clear on this point, Rossi did NOT say that. He did NOT say he has a planned press conference with Obama. That was pure speculation. I should have read the statement more mroe clearly. My apologies. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: ... So Rossi is an Objectivist. Hmmm. This is going to take a while for me to read up on. ;-) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jeff: My own guess is that this comment will end up being another overwhelming promise followed by another underwhelming delivery. It just seems to be a pattern common to Mr. Rossi. I hope I'm wrong. That does seem to be Rossi's prior track record - to constantly titillate his audience.

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Alan: That does seem to be Rossi's prior track record - to constantly titillate his audience. Many of his commercial hints have failed to materialize, or have fizzled (big US company etc ..) -- but most of his technical hints have materialized in one form or another. Here's a perfect

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez: ... ...I agree with Alan Fletcher that Rossi does tend to come through on his technical hints. His track record is remarkably good. His flamboyant personality gets in the way and we fail to notice this. Rossi is what what Rossi does. ;-) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:[OT]: Sun Becomes Red Giant, w/ Insatiable Appetite

2012-10-26 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
...While it appears that you don't immediately need be too concerned about what happens 5 Billion years from now, keep in mind that it's highly likely countless civilizations thruout the Galaxies thruout the Universe have already out-done and/or out-lived their Star Systems. (I realize

Re: [Vo]:SciAm blog: Genie in a Bottle: The Case Against Cold Fusion

2012-10-30 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Alan, She put up an addendum from Krivit (and alluded to posting difficulties) -- who is peddling discredited CF vs Real LENR --- I wonder how a particular experiment knows how to behave depending on the belief of the experimenter. (See the Pod and The Barrier) Sounds similar to the

Re: [Vo]: Nemesis Park

2012-10-31 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: Lately Robert Park seems to be more interested in politix than fizzix: I have been unable to reach the website. Tried from two different locations and at different times. Both failed DId Park forget to pay the rent??? Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]: Nemesis Park

2012-10-31 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: Maybe your browser wants to see the www: Yup! That was the problem. I find Park's rants on political machinations much more appealing. I suspect he should know. Incidentally, I noticed that when Carl Sagan became acutely aware of his own approaching

Re: [Vo]: Nemesis Park

2012-10-31 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry: Thanks, Jed; but, it was not meant to be a literal, quantitative statement. It was meant to express a general willingness to be open toward the end. I second that. I have an anecdotal story regarding someone I knew who once encountered Sagan in a casual setting. A group of

Re: [Vo]: Nemesis Park

2012-10-31 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sed: Hey, I am a literal-minded guy. Yeah, we kind'a know that about you Jed! No offense taken. As for Sagan, I think he got the last laugh - posthumously. I think he got even with his superiors when he wrote his speculative novel Contact. If one reads the novel it's pretty obvious that

Re: [Vo]:[OT]: HAC's Spacecraft in Solar System

2012-11-01 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Loren, Against my better judgment I read your latest post. Several times, I might add. Regarding: I know that it Is indeed quite a difficult thing for just about everyone who reads this to think I *know* what I'm trying to say here, but, I cannot disregard or deny what I have continually

Re: [Vo]:The Quantum Soul?

2012-11-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Regarding the state of our souls: All I noze is that somehow we find ourselves living... and then we die. While transitioning between these two quantum states of existence I finally began to realize the fact that the universe, to me, is one big gigantic question mark, one that I will never be

Re: [Vo]:E Mallove: LENR/Cold Fusion and Modern Physics: A Crisis Within a Crisis ???

2012-11-26 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Hi Mike, I realize that crystal ball gazing is a precarious profession, particularly when one takes into consideration the fact that Mr. Murphy often has a nasty tendency of paying unexpected visits to the RD lab. Nevertheless, have you acquired any kind of a feeling as to when BLP might

Re: [Vo]:E Mallove: LENR/Cold Fusion and Modern Physics: A Crisis Within a Crisis ???

2012-11-27 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
For those, like Jed, who have watched the unfolding of the BLP/Rossi/Defkalion saga... some of it having gone on now for 20 years or more, it is understandable that many of them express doubt and frustration. Perhaps cynicism is an even better description to use here. Personally, I see

Re: [Vo]:Unjustified and unjust attack

2012-11-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Daniel: Peter, Gary is a banned spammer from Vortex. He is a lunatic and powerless. ... Mr. Wright claims he has “…never posted on vortex, even once.” Where did you get your claim from? Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Unjustified and unjust attack

2012-11-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Some more inconsequential gossip. I see that Mr. Wright’s response to Mr. Gluck starts out with: “Our” answer to Peter Gluck … I love those responses that use words like “our” or “we” to imply that they are a big respectable organization that must be employing a crackerjack team of

Re: [Vo]:How bad is this news? Jed Rothwell

2012-12-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Vorl: I seem to recall that Jojo has been called a 'bible fanatic' and worse. Do you expect him to quietly put up with that kind of insult? If you don't like what he says, killfile him, but don't call for his banning because of his less than gentlemanly language; it makes those who

Re: [Vo]:Sasquatch Sequenced

2012-12-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Chem sez: Andre the Giant was living proof of a crossover event... It’s my understanding Andre never had any problem finding women who were interested in him. Therefore, Sasquatch’s “sequence” lives on! ;-) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:How bad is this news? Jed Rothwell

2012-12-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
I recently sed: ... Someone’s got to have the balls to simply say, this is enuf of this childish behavior. This could be misconstrued as an indirect demand on my part directed at Mr. Beaty to ban Jojo. My apologies to Mr. Beaty. That's not what I meant when I uttered the above statement. I

Re: [Vo]:oops

2012-12-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jones: Well... Not sure how much faith to put into this kind of story, but the sad part is that the military could do this kind of RD - whereas the energy sector could not even think about it due to cost and interference from special interests - so there are scary implications that

Re: [Vo]:MFM air-flow calorimeter

2012-12-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: With his white beard, Paul could be making a killing in the malls right now (if he can stand the kids.) I can tell him what I would like for Christmas! Maybe Santa will bring us all a

Re: [Vo]:Thoughts on reading the Papp patent - #2.

2012-12-11 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
I gather “chan.fusion” is accusing Mr. Rothwell of using the lenr-canr website specifically for the purposes of a tax dodge. Oh, give me a tax break! I think not. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Thoughts on reading the Papp patent - #2.

2012-12-11 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From James: One can read these optimistic noises with only a day to go as implying that they are delaying any public demonstration of their engine until January's CES show in Vegas. It all hinges on the meaning of the phrase the show as binding to the temporal context of the PowerGen show --

Re: [Vo]:Thoughts on reading the Papp patent - #2.

2012-12-11 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Just to be clear on something I recently opined. It’s one thing to express a personal opinion of extreme doubt and suspicion, as I have recently done. It’s quite another thing to assume one’s personal opinion is the correct one that other’s should emulate. If there is the slightest chance that

Re: [Vo]:MFM Project

2012-12-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
I agree with Jed, I wish we could stop obsessing over what the phrase “Cold Fusion” really means. The truth of the matter is: nobody really knows for sure what kind of phenomenon “Cold Fusion” really represents. Big deal! Get over it! The phrase “Cold Fusion” is nothing more than a place holder.

Re: [Vo]:New Data Worrying 2000 climatologists about Global Warming ....

2012-12-17 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez: Quoting Asimov's The Last Question ... Sure you are. You're weak on logic, that's the trouble with you. You're like the guy in the story who was caught in a sudden shower and who ran to a grove of trees and got under one. He wasn't worried, you see, because he figured when one

Re: [Vo]:Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro

2012-12-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Abd, My take on all of this… and I’m sure Jojo is listening in… I believe you have assembled a reasonably accurate chronology of Jojo’s posting proclivities. However, I suspect too many within the Collective are missing the primary reasons why Jojo’s posts what he posts. Too many miss it because

Re: [Vo]:A Proposal to stop all Off-Topic posts (was: Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro)

2012-12-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Dave sez: Terry can always find a way to blow our minds. Where does a guy receive such training? Cats. (I'm still in training myself.) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro

2012-12-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Abd: ... ... Jojo shows no sign of having the capacity to listen or to respond to that kind of good will. Instructions: “Repeat application on a regular basis till irritation goes away. Some irritations take longer to heal. If irritation persists seek the advice of a doctor as a

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