nessie wrote:
I will try and help a little here.. 1 Teaspoon is equal to 4.72 gms.. Note that's grams which is 1720 milligrams.
But that depends on the density. That is for, I am guessing water, right? Borax shows a weight of 1.73 g/cm^3, so in that case it would be closer to 2 grams per teaspoon. However borax powder has a good bit of air in it, so maybe not.

Boron is only 10.6% of the weight in borax, so 1,000 mg of borax, contains only 106 mg of borax, which is only about 3 times high, instead of 30 times high.

So .................................... 1 Teaspoon is also equal to 4720 mgms (Milligrams) Therefore 1/4 Teaspoon is equal to 4720/4 which equals approx 1180 Milligrams..
          The recomended dosage was  30mg.. a very small amount..
Another way to look at it is to look at some pills/supplements you might have , check the physical size of the pill and see how many mg that correlates to on the label , and that would be ignoring the fillers etc. that they put into everything to make them look bigger etc..Might give you some perspective on size weight etc..

Marshall Dudley wrote:
OK, now I am confused. I had been taking the amount that sticks to a wet finger up to the first knuckle, and just measured it, and it measured about 1/4 teaspoon. So is this the right amount, or about 30 times too high?


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