On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 5:25 PM, Scott <scottie592...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Kirsteen,
> Thanks for getting back to me and so quickly. I am being looked at by the
> medical folks as a hypochondriac even though my complaints are legitimate.

Unfortunately tis appens to a lot of people. The first occupational doctor i
was sent to by my work told me he didn't believe in M.E. so why was i
comlaining I was too tired to work when there was nothing wrong with me, tis
was on a day i was in tears at the effort of trying to sit in an upright
chair :-(

> It seems as though they either do not know what this stuff is or they
> aren't sure how to treat/prevent it.

Some doctors genuinely don't believe in it others are totally frustrated at
being unable to treat or 'cure' it.

> It's pretty sad when after being with same doctor for 15 years he decides
> that he cannot continue to see me and my family any more due to our losing
> insurance but still able to be cash patients. Stated that we would be
> considered new cash patients and he is not taking on any more cash patients.

That sounds horrendous.

> Anyhow, the doctor I am now with seems to be a little less narrow-minded
> and so I want to direct him to whatever information that he could glean to
> simplify both of our lives.
> I am sorry that your country has decided to drop funding for the research
> on this stuff. I was reading a bit ago that over 90% of North Americans have
> one of the viruses that can cause M.E. yet the doctors seem oblivious to
> it. Don't want to call it a conspiracy but are they truly that ignorant? I
> just don't know. Anyway, I will look at these links you sent me and glean as
> much info as possible for myself and my doctor. It is the closest diagnosis
> I have seen thus far.

You could also try this site

 http://www.ahummingbirdsguide.com/whatisme.htm it has a lot of excellent

as does


and for a more personal approach


this site has a lot of leaflets you can download which help explain it


If I can dig up any others I'll let you know.

I'm a member of <mecha...@listserv.aol.com>, but it's a distinctly Uk group.

cfallia...@yahoogroups.com is a more USA based group. I came off it as so
many people on it actually suffer from fibromyalgia rather than M.E. but
there there are some ME sufferers on it so it might be of some help.

hope some of tis helps

