How much vitamin D in pill form is too much???
I am in one of those states with not enough sun, I wish to take the vit. D in pill form but how much is too much??  my friends are taking 1000mg a day.
-------------- Original message from Pat <>: --------------

> In most places in the USA you cannot get enough of the sun's rays to make
> adequate amounts of vitamin D in the winter.
> Kathryn said, "I have been detoxing faster since finding a D supplement I
> tolerate,
> and taking a sufficient amount of it."
> How do you know if you tolerate it or not? How do you know you're detoxing? My
> doctor didn't say for me to come back for another vitamin D test. I've read it
> takes many months to get back to normal levels of vitamin D if one is deficient.
> I wonder if that could have anything to do with the greater amount of all-over
> body pain I've had? I was off Celebrex for a couple weeks, but was almost
> crippled with pain. I had to get back on it to live my life and boy, did it
> help! Drugs aren't always bad, it's a quality of life decision.
> Pat
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