I asked the question and didn't realise that I kicked the hornets nest!
All I wanted to know is what ppm I was producing given a particular uS reading!

But I have learnt a lot!
Since I am using a very low current per area and my electrodes are very large 
and far apart, with current control I am producing high ionic content CS ( i 
believe) and therefore my setup will not be very representative of anything 
typical to anyone else and so I stop when my Us says around 20us , since it 
seems to be very stubborn to increase much after that anyways indicating its 
done as much as it can. 
The CS is clear and metallic tasting and very effective to myself and others.
Since I am happy with that I will leave it to that and think no more than that
On a side note. I used to use a much higher current 1ma per square inch  with 
less than double distilled water and was then able to produce CS much faster 
and could brew it high enough to produce a slightly yellow brew.
Since I now double distill and use a very low current per square inch (0.25ma 
per square inch) I haven't yet produced anything other than clear CS and 
haven't even needed any mechanical stirring as I previously did. 
Although to produce. 3 litre batch takes 48 hours! Patience is a virtue.
Since there is no yellow tinge and with my low current setup, I am happy my CS 
is of a good quality meaning the particles aren't large enough to absorb and 
reflect light and filter it to make it appear yellow or otherwise( again it is 
only my belief ). I will therefore now leave it be since its "good enough".
Thank you again for the discussion.
And please continue educating and helping those like myself who seek knowledge 
and those who are new to all this.
Peace to all

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