Hi Dean
Yes H2O2 has been used in a couple of cases with CF
patients. I don't have much info though. All I know
Only H2O2 doesn't work, it has to be combined with UV
on the blood, and dietary restrictions.
So H2O2 is 1 part of a therapy that consist of 3
elements. Also the doctors that perform this have to
be registered - i.e. there is only a certain number of
physicians with permission to do this.
Another point - the therapy is quite long - I've heard
something like 2 years.. and I think it is expenssive
as well...


--- Dean Miller <dtmil...@midiowa.net> wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 17:34:46 -0800 (PST), Maja
> Hristozova
> <majahristoz...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >Pseudomonas eventually kills them by forming
> >a colony in the lungs. The colony can't be stopped
> by
> >any antibiotic (including CS). 
> Have they tried attacking the Pseudomonas from the
> inside?  That is,
> using some kind of blood oxygenator, such as H2O2. 
> That's what Dr
> W.C. Douglass suggests.
> -- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF
> --
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