Dear Duncan,

  You said:

<<Did the cystic fibrosis treatement program address the control of
oxidative stress?  I ask because there are hundreds of articles pointing
out the culprit in lung disorders as being chronic oxidative stress
(lipid peroxidation). This can be stopped cold with cold-processed whey
and selenium, and an antioxidant program.
Here's just one study chosen at random so you'll see what I mean.

The mucus and inflammation and most of the scar tissue is produced by
irritation from whatever sourse and propagated by free radical damage.
Glutathione increase (requires selenium) stops all that and also reduces
the Th2 inflammatory cell count on favour of non-inflammatory, reduced
damage, Th1. But since all the antioxidants work together I recommend a
program of them to my clients.

Monaldi Arch Chest Dis 2002 Jun-Aug;57(3-4):173-6 Related Articles, Links

Role of oxidative stress in pulmonary fibrosis.>>

Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disease caused by mutations in the CFTR gene.
It that causes the body to produce an abnormally thick, sticky mucus, due to
the faulty transport of sodium and chloride within cells lining organs such
as the lungs and pancreas, to their outer surfaces. The thick CF mucus also
obstructs the pancreas, preventing enzymes from reaching the intestines to
help break down and digest food.  This is different from pulmonary fibrosis.

  Certainly, your recommendation of better nutrition and a good antioxidant
from program would help in reducing the infections two which people are
prone when they have CF.  It's a great suggestion.
But all the Immunocal and antioxidants in the world will not change the
genetic mutation that causes CF.


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