On 2009-12-18, at 06:54, Darrius Gothly wrote:
> It really doesn't matter how the limits are set, the real thrust of  
> these ideas is that a Sim is not always equally loaded. Because of  
> visiting patterns of the residents and guests, at any one time the  
> population on the sim is concentrated .. usually in one parcel. When  
> the other parcels are empty, that one should get to use all  
> available SIM resources. When others come back into their own  
> parcel, they can reclaim what's "theirs" just by entering (and using  
> some formula yet to work out).
> If this is what you're saying then yes, I agree 100%.

I don't know about 100%, but they should be able to use more than a  
strict fraction of the available resources.

This shouldn't depend on who's in the parcel, or the sim, because SL  
is a world of scripts as well as people, and if you're not using more  
than your "hard limit" of resources you should be able to continue  
doing so, whether you're there or not.

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