true, well put Tim.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jen --
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 6:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] Pick one (immorality glamorized)

I believe that there is a big difference between a guy or a girl for that matter stalking and just being aggressive in their wishes.
----- Original Message -----
From: Tim Harder
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] Pick one (immorality glamorized)

Yes... she should let the other woman know she is not happy about it.
That would accomplish letting the other woman know that she better
find someone else to hit on and let the man know that his woman wants
to keep him around.... even if he is a "complete and utter idiot and moron."

Your example about the other night is not representative IMO. When you
are out with other women it is understandable that men would hit on you.
(After all you are hot... <G> ) Tom knows this.... If, however, one of the
men wouldn't take no for an answer and called you at home or stalked
you.... or a man from work repeatedly calls you at home etc... Then I would *hope*
that Tom would at least be concerned. I don't believe that being concerned
would mean that Tom doesn't trust you... If I were you, in this instance, and Tom
showed *no* concern.... I would be like... "man... doesn't he even care?"
Now you might not think that, but I think that if you reverse the genders a lot
of men would.... and rightly so... IMO.

Whether or not a woman gives a heck *is* a factor in
a relationship.  IMO

so what should a woman do if she thinks another woman is after her husband?  not trust him and go yell at the other woman? what would this accomplish?  Dont you think its better to have trust in the husband that hes not a complete and utter idiot and moron? to trust in his love and vow? 

i went out with some gals from work friday night. I had probally 3 diffrent guys hit on me. I told them i was married.  I came home and told tom about it. he didnt care. the only way he wouldve cared is if i had flirted back with these men. what good would it do him to get mad at them? doesnt change the fact i still said no. and it wouldnt change the fact if i said yes either because ultimately its up to me to choose to be faithful or not. 


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