In Maya you use 1 & 3 hotkeys to toggle between base mesh and subd preview 
display. In subd display mode the Page Up/Down keys change the subd preview 
level. (the default value is 2)

So the workflow is something like this...

Hit 3 key and then use page up/down to adjust subd level. From then on just hit 
1 & 3 to toggle between base mesh and your chosen subd display level.

[] On Behalf Of Emilio Hernandez
Sent: 28 February 2014 01:30
Subject: Re: Best online resources to help with a Maya migration.

By the way, to help on the transition.

Make sure you have the abSymMesh, csExtractSkin, and csExtractDeltas scripts, 
if you do character, and rigging.  Without this scripts you will be in a dead 
end.  Also make sure you find a good UV plugin.  That is just for start.  You 
will not be able to envelope (skin in Maya) with nothing but joints and 
geometry.  Say goodbye to implicit objects. And make sure you memorize the 
order to pick obj, as for parenting and constraining is different for each one.
If an object is a child of other object and you want to hide just the parent, 
well good luck.  All this kind of parameters propagate from the parent to all 
of its childs.  Be patient with the selection tool, and remember to click in 
the window you are using, cause it is not like Softimage that it works where 
the cursor is.  You need to activate the window or viewport by clicking in it.
Each object has at least two nodes the object and the shape.  If you want your 
object to display in something different than 2 subdivision levels, forget 
about something like the +/-.   You will need to go to the object shape node 
and set the preview subdivision levels to modify it in an object per object 
basis as there is no (MULT) selection like in Softimage.
Unless of course you make or have a script for doing this.
Well just for a begging guide.
Ohh and there is no such thing as the RMB when you are maniupalting an object a 
nasty pop up menu will appear in front of you with a dial like options.  For 
last take a deep breath when you are looking for a parameter as the 
ChannelBox/Layer editor will dispaly all the connections the object has.
Good luck with your transition.


2014-02-27 19:11 GMT-06:00 Emilio Hernandez 
Exactly Stefan!
The client does not care whatever you are using.  He only cares about time, 
money and quality.
Go ahead make your transition, start thinking of hiring additional people, 
specially devs.  Make sure you search under the stones for scripts and plugins. 
 Spend more money to keep it up.

Maya out of the box is a piece of crap compared to Softimage.  So don't expect 
too much. Go with the "latest" technology....  You will soon be bald of pulling 
out your hairs.


2014-02-27 19:06 GMT-06:00 Stefan Kubicek 

Amen to that!
I'm doing my own projects and my clients could not care less what program their 
pictures were made in. I could use Maya
but that would mean I'd make 30% less profit. Why would I want to do that? As 
long as XSI remains that much ahead in the bread and butter disciplines I will 
continue to use it. Why waste money?

Softimage for me will be dead the time I will stop using it.
Don't know why is the rush to switch if you have your own clients, your own 
projects and you have been delivering amazing work done with Softimage.
The Maya 2015 won't be better than Softimage to get the job done.
So because SI 2015 unoficially yet is the latest version you are going to run 
to other options while you can still deliver superb work?
The clients don't care if you made it with paintbrush as long as they are 
satisfied with the end result.


2014-02-27 15:24 GMT-06:00 Sebastien Sterling 
If you are moving a team from SI to Maya, you are going to need to create a 
tone of scripts to improve functionality, last place i was in they proudly 
showed off their modeling script "ow look at these !" and "won't these make 
your life so much easier ?!" not really cause all those scripts where already a 
given in SI.

On 27 February 2014 22:15, Vincent Fortin 
<<>> wrote:
SideFX's Masterclasses

There's enough information there to make your head explode :-)

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 4:10 PM, Alan Fregtman 
<<>> wrote:
Anyone have recommendations for great Houdini tutorials? I know SideFx have 
some, but besides those?

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 4:04 PM, Mirko Jankovic 
<<>> wrote:
trust me there is no tutorial that can help with frustration that you will have 
to deal with .... good luck. I know that I'm staying with SI for years to come.
Zombies are popular anyway so why not SI Zombie edition too :)

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 9:38 PM, Nicolas Esposito 
<<>> wrote:
Oh my god, its started!

I guess Digital Tutors would be a good starting point ;)

2014-02-27 21:33 GMT+01:00 Tim Crowson 

sigh.... Is it that time already?


On 2/27/2014 2:20 PM, Lawrence Nimrichter wrote:
I'm separating this out from the "upgrade policy" thread and would like to keep 
it some what on topic as I am sure there will be plenty of artists in the 
coming months asking the same questions. Please start a new thread to talk 
about the politics.

What are the best resources for migration, especially to Maya, for long time 
Softimage users. Has anyone done the Maya training from Digital Tutors, Lynda, 
Gnome, fxphd? Which is considered better for those of us with years of 
production experience? Does anyone know of any gem video's (for example: a 
Softimage video I always recommend for anyone wanting to learn ICE is the 
Brad's Ice: An Artist Tour). What are the best training resources out there?


Lawrence Nimrichter  |  Associate Creative Director/Director of Animation  |  
Spontaneous  |  575 Lexington Avenue  |  New York  |  NY  |  10022  |  o 


Stefan Kubicek
keyvis digital imagery
Alfred Feierfeilstraße 3
A-2380 Perchtoldsdorf bei Wien
Phone: +43/699/12614231<><>
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