Any such move has short term upfront costs. The hope in making such moves is 
that they translate into longer-term benefits which is what the thinking was at 
the time. I can't go into all the details of what costs what, so my statement 
was a simplification. We make these kinds of moves from time to time. This was 
not the first and won't be the last. Before even the Alias acquisition we moved 
the entire 3ds Max R&D team from San Francisco to Montreal. People wondered why 
- it was very costly in  the short term but proved beneficial in the long run 
for many factors not just related to costs. Personally,  I don't actually know 
how many engineers we had before or after and we don't publicly discuss size of 
engineering teams, and even internally we leave that up to R&D to figure out, 
because it is often a meaningless discussion without fully understanding what 
the exact experience and capability of each engineer and each team. Both 
increasing and decreasing team size can improve productivity depending on the 
situation. People are people so there is no real formula. If you want to really 
understand the exact details of how an organization like Autodesk functions I 
invite you to come visit us in Montreal. It would be the only real way to begin 
to try to do so. My point was that from an investment perspective the decisions 
being made were not about investing or divesting but about how we could be more 
productive overall with the similar budgets.

Maurice Patel
Autodesk : Tél:  514 954-7134

[] On Behalf Of Perry Harovas
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: An Open Letter to Carl Bass

OK, thank you for clearing that up, Maurice.

So you are saying that moving Softimage to the Singapore team was a direct 
lateral move, not an increase but also not a decrease, in the team that was 
previously on Softimage (apart from being different people, of course)?

So (for argument sake) if you had 10 people when Softimage was in-house, you 
had 10 people when it was moved to Singapore?

I just want to make sure I totally understand you, not trying to trap you or 

Thank you,


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