Maya doesn't really have a history, it keeps a network of nodes, and by
design there are a lot of operations it consolidates in the name of
performance (e.g. tweaks). It also has no clear entry points, which means
no easy means to make a distinction between things, and lastly it has a
separation between deformer and non deformer "history", which complicates
interacting with those nodes to no end. You could call it an entry point I
guess, but only in the negative sense of the word, since it divides two
completely different ways to deal with everything, down to an incredibly
cumbersome undo management if you ever decide to attempt and cook your own
(we're talking close to a thousand lines of dressing JUST to have a
template to work within to manage all combinations of history on and off
and tweaks found or not).

Ultimately XSI is the only app out there I used that has a linear
representation of the history of operations, treats all ops homogeneously
(with the only limitation of topology ones having to be below the modelling
marker, but access remains the same throughout), exposes parametrically and
reliably each and every single one of them, and does truly keep track of
everything without a major performance hit (outside of bottom topo
intensive operations in large numbers).

Houdini gets part way better than Maya in some regards, but the modelling
toolset and interaction itself paints it out of the picture quite quickly
for many tasks.

MAX does OK in terms of tracking finer elements, but has a hard distinction
between ops and a non uniformity in access that are pretty damn annoying.

Lightwave I don't know to be honest, you'd have to ask one of the two
remaining users, and C4D I haven't opened in years.

What I'm getting to is that if you're comparing software for modelling
tasks to XSI based on the history thing, you're in dire straits. No perfect
storm out there like XSI was for that kind of modelling.

On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 11:38 AM, Martin <> wrote:

> That is indeed very useful, but I don't think you can do that in any other
> software but Softimage. Maya's history is nowhere near SI stacks and in my
> experience it is so useless that I almost never touch it, except for those
> things like bevel where you can't see the final result in real time if you
> don't use the bevel attribute in your history.
> Martin
> Sent from my iPhone

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