The original question was whether Modo had any kind of modeling history. The answer there is no (not that I've ever needed it either).

The bigger issue is that Modo doesn't have 'operators' at all in the Softimage sense. And believe me I miss this from Softimage. I still don't know how I would do something like .... apply an MDD (deformer), then add modeling operations on top of that (topo change), then add secondary animation on top of that (more deformers)... There are definite limitations. Especially with the demise of Soft, I've been trying to get the Modo devs to see exactly why people like it so much, and the op stack is a major player, not mention a good problem solver.

That said Modo is not closed-minded to the notion of stacking operations in a way that lets you edit them later... Its deformer stack is a good example of this, and seems easier and more flexible to me than the equivalent in Softimage. Someone with feet in both apps will have to tell me if I'm wrong here (Sergio? Gideon?).


On 5/6/2014 5:07 PM, Matt Lind wrote:
Under general modelling conditions, you're right in that most people just 
freeze it anyway, but there are workflows that come into play where you must 
have a construction history to employ.  For example, primitive retopology.

You may need to do a primitive re-topologize.  So you get a polygon mesh grid 
and shrinkwrap it to the object you want to retopo.  Although the shrinkwrap 
operator has an option to use nearest vertices, you end up with situations 
where the vertices on the grid collapse and target one or more of the same 
vertices on the target mesh.  No good.  To fix the problem you must move the 
shrinkwrap operator up the stack into the animation region then use the 
movecomponent tool (or just translate subcomponent) to move the points on the 
grid until they snap to a different vertex on the target mesh.  This works 
because your movecomponent operation evaluates first, then the shrinkwrap 
evaluates with the vertex in its current location to find the closest vertex on 
the target mesh.  Simple example, but illustrates the point.  Also comes into 
play with enveloping and corrective weighting.

These are the kind of flexible workflows we lose by not having a construction 


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