Interviewed by CNN on 15/06/2011 22:41, Rufus told the world:

...OTOH, having bought an iPad recently is rapidly changing my work
flow/habits re: browsing Usenet and surfing the web - I was thinking
that Opera Mobile would be just the solution for iPad, but it doesn't
operate with Mail/News in tabs like desktop Opera does.  Tabs *really*
shine on laptops and i-devices, IMO.  So I'm left to use Safari or
Atomic in combination with something like Newstap on my iPad.  Which
gets me wondering why I don't just use Safari and Thunderbird on my Macs.

If there isn't a combined suite solution for iPad soon, I may just
finally chuck the suite concept altogether after all these years...pity.
   In fact, the market seems *wide* open for Usenet newsreaders for iOS.
   An iOS version of SM building on the tab concept would be ideal, and
certainly go a far distance to retaining my interest in the combined
suite concept.  Yeah, I know it would cost some work...but that's why
they call it *work*.

Unfortunately, Apple does not *allow* other browsers in iOS. It's Safari's way or the highway.

Opera Lite gets around the rules because it is not actually a browser, in that it does not have its own HTML rendering engine -- instead, it downloads pre-rendered images from a special rendering server, more like a streaming media client. It was a solution Opera developed for cheap cell phones with pitifully weak CPUs and laughable amounts of RAM.

Developing any sort of application which overlaps in functionality Apple's official ones is chancy at best. You have no idea if they will allow the app to be distributed, or if your investment is going to go down the drain.

Actually, even non-competing apps have been known to be refused by Apple for no clear reason. There was a joke a couple months ago on the GPF webcomic about an app being refused because it was submitted on a Tuesday, then because it WASN'T submitted on a Tuesday, then because it was "too mauve..."

That "users don't need freedom of choice, father knows best" attitude is why, after careful evaluation, I chose to stay away from iOS. I'm very happy with my Android phone (I might have gone for Maemo/MeeGo if Nokia hadn't decided to abandon the platform...)


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