Robert Kaiser wrote:
Rufus schrieb:
I was thinking
that Opera Mobile would be just the solution for iPad

You know that Opera Mobile is not a browser and actually send everything
you type in there to a central Opera server (and I'd guess that they try
to market the data they're collecting there - I would if I would be a
company that needs to make profit for its shareholders).

Yes - I know that. But if they're the only gal at the party, you dance with her or sit by yourself. But again, once I looked close she wasn't what I thought she was.

If there isn't a combined suite solution for iPad soon, I may just
finally chuck the suite concept altogether after all these years...pity.

There will be no other Mozilla products than "Firefox Home" for the
iPhone or iPad as long as Apple does not allow any competition to their
own products to run there.

Robert Kaiser

It's not really a case of Apple "not allowing it" - it's more a case of developers embracing, stepping up, and coding. There are a number of alternative browsers for iPad, the most popular (I can see why) being the Atomic browser - somewhat SM-like, and far more feature-rich than Safari on iOS.

Actually I find Safari on the iPad more likable than Safari on the Mac...and the Atomic browser has even more features - like browser spoofing, home page setting, login retention, etc. The only thing I don't like about Atomic so far is it's cloud-based bookmark synching...but I think that has more to do with iPad limitations on file transfer than anything else.

If the Atomic browser also had SM style Mail/News viewable in a tab it would be my #1 choice for use on my iPad, and it still may become so even without that feature set. Each browser (Atomic and Safari) has cross-scrips for opening a link in the other browser...which I haven't really found a use for yet, but it's a nice feature.

But again, the way iOS works I find *far* less utility in the suite concept when working on my iPad, and that may also hold true on my Macs with the release of the Lion OS. I haven't tried the NewsTap app on my iPad as of yet, but as with Opera above it's the only Usenet newsreader app out there, or at least the most SM-like...from the App Store writeup I think I'll like it. Thunderbird for iOS?..yeah, bring it!

     - Rufus
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