Rufus schrieb:
It's not really a case of Apple "not allowing it" - it's more a case of
developers embracing, stepping up, and coding. There are a number of
alternative browsers for iPad, the most popular (I can see why) being
the Atomic browser - somewhat SM-like, and far more feature-rich than
Safari on iOS.

None of them is a browser by itself. Apple does NOT allow ANY software in their store that competes with some software they are providing with the device theirselves. All those "alternatives" are just Safari with a different "costume", i.e. some other user interface around it.

But again, the way iOS works I find *far* less utility in the suite
concept when working on my iPad

Well, I'm reasonably sure that communication methods that don't run inside the browser will be mostly dying out in the next years. But then, that's just my opinion.

Robert Kaiser

Note that any statements of mine - no matter how passionate - are never meant to be offensive but very often as food for thought or possible arguments that we as a community should think about. And most of the time, I even appreciate irony and fun! :)
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