Hi Robert ;

You know this is such a fascinating thread for me, and
please believe me there is no offence intended for
anyone, because I ponder this subject and consider the
possiblity that I could be wrong or mis-informed.

We exchange ideas; it's part of learning and growing. It's ok to be wrong, or mis-informed. That kind of thing happens to me all the time!

First, I would say that it is not really fair to
compare western "moderates" to Islamic

        Was I doing that?  Grief!

 When Jesus was on
the earth HE never said "C'mon let's FIGHT those
sinners", and He never said "C'mon we need to pass
laws and lock them up".  Why not?  The answer is
people must do the right thing of their own accord,
and anything less is an illusion.

        Jesus would be locked up by the "fundamentalists" for being soft on sin!

The finest hour I have ever witnessed in my life as
an American occurred shortly after the 11 September atrocities. I know that I've written this before, but the sight of a Virginia State Trooper parked outside a mosque to protect its worshippers underscores the value of plurality in American society.

But isn't this a good example of changing behavior at
the barrel of a gun?

No. I'm writing about the rule of law. Islam and other religions remain equal under American law, and that is something noble; an egalitarian principle I wholeheartedly support. I felt very angry that day, but even in my ugliest mood I would never have thought to harm a mosque or the worshippers therein; that would be unAmerican. Not everyone sees this my way, and therefore, that Virginia State Trooper served as a deterrent. There were scattered incidents of abuses toward people of differing religions in the days and weeks that followed, illustrating the need for that Virginia police officer's posting. Most of us, however, were appalled at any backlash Muslims (and mistakenly, Sikhs) endured.

 And aren't we doing the same
thing in Iraq and the average voter approves? Is
depleted uranium a good way to spread democracy?  Is
this the moderate western perspective?
Sorry to say, we are the Great Satan they call us.

We are the nation described in Revelation 13. (How appropriate!) We have two horns like a lamb, but we speak like a dragon. We look Christian, but we are not. Most people outside the United States can understand this.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind

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