I'm gonna ask a stupid question, cuz I really don't know
the answer -- why do the traditional conservative
fundamentalists in the US LOVE the US, while the traditional
conservative fundamentalists in the Arab world (mostly Sunni's,
correct me if I'm wrong) tend more toward DESPISING the US?

It can't really be about religion....

It isn't, at least, not entirely. We Americans are steeped in a culture that glorifies the nation, very much like the Romans glorified their own nation. I have a problem when the term " Christian Fundamentalist" is used to describe the racist, book - burning and intolerant zealots who behave in a manner utterly contrary to the clear teachings of social justice found in the scriptures; however, the label applies to a large group of people who suffer from nationalistic, linguistic ("Why can't the rest of the world learn to speak English!") ethnic and religious pride.

I love my country, too. Keith might raise his eyebrows at this, but the sight of an American flag, or the singing of our national anthem stirs something deep and noble within my soul. What it rouses in me is a sense of what America SHOULD be, and a solemn regret of what it actually is. We're on a path that will lead to our destruction. I've been warning about this for a long time now.

The Arab "fundamentalists" would have very little fuel to spread their fires of intolerance were it not for decades of American duplicity and meddling in the affairs of other nations; often for access to resources that enrichen our corporations and corrupted political entities overseas, leaving their local populations destitute and oppressed at the hands of leadership our government supports.

Our foreign policy with respect to Israel and its neighbors, is informed by a convoluted, bizarre, dispensationalist eschatology that twists scripture and deceives people into believing we're doing God's will by spreading misery around the world. I can tell by the tenor of posts on this list alone that much of the world doesn't really understand this.

        They don't despise us as human beings.  They despise what we do.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind

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