Had I known you were out to bait me I would've answered more completely.Opened my mind indeed. Faith has been and will continue to be a leading force in humans, and I will be the first to promote it that way, and have been, give the archives a read. When you assert that all religious entities have had and do have their fanatics, this is a hard fact, and I will act that all these have also been infiltrated by those whose agenda it is to foster strife and discord less all should form any sort of united front against tyranny so where is it that my mind needs to be opened and at what point do you, in your clarity above all others, assess that it was closed before your intervention? You make a flat out declaration that that was so, and I insist on a lucid reply.
----- Original Message ----- From: "fox mulder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 4:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U.S., Islam, and Religion

dear friend
religion is hard wired to homo sapiens brain. this
connection is strongly switched on when people are
subjected to injustices and oppression. I think this
has something to do with survival. If the people of
Iraq did not have faith, the whole population will
become suicidal.
In some cases the chemical reactions in the brain go
offbeat and bring about fundamentalism. This
fundamentalism exists in ALL religions. Because of
9/11, an average man singles out Muslims. If you ask a
man in an Arab street, why they hate USA, their reply
would be we do not hate the American people, we hate
the US government's policy towards the Arab world.
Especially, when it comes to Isreal and her treatment
of the palestinian civilians and the killing of
palestinian children on an almost daily bases. This
blatent double standard is to balme for the hatered of
the USA in the Arab world. To spray fuel on this
hatered is not in the interest of the USA, as the
quarter of the world population is Muslim.
I hope this has opened your mind.

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