
Very disturbing, but some militaries are very hyped about their work. I guess
that he needs his attitude to consolidate the fact that he has been taking
human lives. The latter is very difficult to live with and different people develop different protection and excuses to be able to go on with their life. Often there are some sort of denial of the victims right to live, because they were so bad.
The guy is obviously sick and in urgent need of help.


At 08:51 AM 2/4/2005, you wrote:
HelloAll ;
Disturbing comments from a military leader.


By Will Dunham

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior U.S. Marine Corps
general who said it was "fun to shoot some people"
should have chosen his words more carefully but will
not be disciplined, military officials said on

Lt. Gen. James Mattis, who commanded troops in Iraq
(news - web sites) and Afghanistan (news - web sites)
and is slated to be portrayed by star actor Harrison
Ford in an upcoming Hollywood movie, made the comments
at a conference on Tuesday in San Diego, California.

"Actually it's quite fun to fight 'em, you know. It's
a hell of a hoot. It's fun to shoot some people. I'll
be right up front with you, I like brawling," Mattis

"You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women
around for five years because they didn't wear a
veil," Mattis said during a panel discussion. "You
know, guys like that ain't got no manhood left anyway.
So it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them."

In a statement, Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Michael
Hagee praised Mattis as "one of this country's bravest
and most experienced military leaders."

"While I understand that some people may take issue
with the comments made by him, I also know he intended
to reflect the unfortunate and harsh realities of
war," Hagee said.

"Lt. Gen. Mattis often speaks with a great deal of
candor. I have counseled him concerning his remarks
and he agrees he should have chosen his words more
carefully," Hagee added.

Maj. Jason Johnston, a Marine spokesman at the
Pentagon (news - web sites), said Hagee did not plan
disciplinary action against Mattis. Johnston declined
to specify how Hagee had counseled Mattis.

During a Pentagon briefing, Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld did not criticize Mattis' remarks, saying, "I
have not read his words. I don't know what he said
precisely or the context."


Marine Gen. Peter Pace, vice chairman of the
military's Joint Chiefs of Staff, lauded Mattis'
record and leadership.

Without explicitly criticizing Mattis, Pace told the
briefing, "First of all, all of us who are leaders
have a responsibility in our words and our actions to
provide the right example all the time for those who
look to us for leadership."

Mattis, formally promoted to three-star general last
month, heads the Marine Corps Combat Development
Command, at Quantico, Virginia.

In November 2001, Mattis proclaimed, "We have landed
and we now own terrain in south Afghanistan," after
Marines took over a desert airstrip. The comment
ruffled feathers at the Pentagon, where officials were
uneasy with a U.S. general talking about owning

In Iraq, he commanded the 1st Marine Division during
the 2003 invasion and subsequent counterinsurgency

Mattis was ordered to lead an assault on the Iraqi
city of Falluja in April 2004 after the slaying and
mutilation of four American contractors, but U.S.
leaders halted the offensive and withdrew his Marines
before a decisive showdown. He wrapped up his service
in Iraq in August, a spokeswoman said.

In November, Marines under different command seized
control of the city after the U.S. presidential

Ford has been pegged to play the role of Mattis in the
film version of an upcoming book "No True Glory," an
account of the April battle for Falluja written by
Marine veteran Bing West.

Senior Pentagon Intelligence official Lt. Gen. William
Boykin referred in 2003 to the struggle against
Islamic extremists as a battle with Satan. In a
speech, Boykin referred to a Muslim fighter in
Somalia, and said, "Well, you know what I knew, that
my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a
real God, and his was an idol."

The Pentagon inspector general concluded in August
that Boykin should face "appropriate corrective
action," and a senior Army general said in October
said unspecified action had been taken against Boykin.

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