On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 3:14 PM, John Smith<delta_foxt...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- On Thu, 27/8/09, Roy Wallace <waldo000...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Besides, I asked you personally why you cared, why do you care, or how will 
> it benefit you personally how a stop sign is marked?

My apologies, I misinterpreted your question "why should you care
about needing this explicit information". To answer your question, I
do not care personally. It will not benefit me personally whatsoever
how a stop sign is marked. I'm just trying to contribute to OSM into
the long-term future.

> I'm yet to see any situation that tagging roads properly, eg number of lanes, 
> and tagging a single node will fail. Please provide a valid example of a 
> situation where a proximity based searching will fail.

I cannot. I can only contribute some hand waving and warn of
unforeseen circumstances, and advocate tagging things explicitly - if
you don't see any value in that, feel free to ignore it. Don't forget
- I actually think the method you're suggesting is "not too bad".

If using a proximity search, it will be necessary to clearly define
"nearest junction", though. And if a way travels through an
intersection but has stop signs on both sides, it will need to be
split and two stop nodes will need to be added. There may be issues
like this that need sorting out that only arise when a full proposal
is written up and/or it's in use. But no, I can't think of any fail
examples right now.

> No you listen to me and stop trying to envoke emotive arguments when you have 
> no rational or logical ones to back your position.

Sorry if I've offended you. I believe I understand and respect your
position but it appears I'm not stating mine clearly enough.
Apologies. And feel free to ignore my input where you think it is
irrational and/or illogical.

> Yet another straw man argument that has no basis in fact or logic because you 
> seem to be siding with a vocal minority, the majority has never spoken on 
> such issues.

I'm not "siding" with anyone, just contributing my thoughts. I too
look forward to hearing from everyone else :)

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