Frederik Ramm <> writes:

> But that's how far my "convictions" go - as long as I don't survey where
> Russ draws his abandoned railway lines, we're fine.

In terms of reaching a detente, I think that's a very important point.
I would never delete something unless I had walked the ground where it
is.  If deletions are limited to cases where people are really on the
ground making a good faith effort to look for physical features, then
while Russ won't be totally happy, I think things will be 90% ok.

But if people are deleting without having walked the ground (and I do
mean walk, not drive by), based on imagery or something else, that's
another matter.

(I've been trying not to comment too much, but I'm in the camp that
deletionism is harmful to the community - it upsets people far more than
it helps, even when correct, and especially when not correct.)

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