On Tue, 11 Jan 2000 13:48:18 +0800, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

AM>>         I don't think we can be clearer than that. I have only one
AM>> addition. If I could use virtual folders, I'd use them in my main account
AM>> *only*.

> That's your choice.

        Well, of course. I only brought up my personal intended use of it
to bring across the point to Steve that virtual folders aren't like
personalities in that virtual folders could be useful to users of a single
POP account as well.

>  There must be some kind of definition. For exmaple, the same options as
> in the search window, with the only exception that the virtual folder
> will remain, while the search window will disappear completely when you
> close it or TB.

        Well, it's called a virtual folder because the contents of the
folder aren't really together in one location as they appear to be. :)

> IMHO a permanent search results window would also not be anotehr
> paradigm. But the terminology is irrelevant.

        All one really needs to have in the present search applet is a
button to create a virtual folder for the search results. Upon opening the
virtual folder the message base will be searched for matches of the search
criteria and displayed. The virtual folder would need a refresh button as

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   [ Should I weed the lawn or say it's a garden? ]

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