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   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was Fri, 16 Jul 2004, at 09:52:13 +1000,
   @  @      when Robin Anson wrote:

> When I first start up TB! 2.12 it takes roughly 80 secs from opening the
> TB! window until numbers start to appear next to folders indicating
> numbers of messages. If I close and restart TB! it takes less time for
> this process to happen, but it is still 30 or 40 secs until the numbering
> process starts. The application hasn't hung, I can select different
> mailboxes, etc, it is simply a problem with the numbering process.

> Furthermore, the contents of the folder that is initially highlighted
> will often not appear for some considerable time. Sometimes the contents
> appear once number of messages in the folder has been counted, but at
> other times the message list window remains blank long after that occurs.
> I can still select other folders and see their contents when this occurs.

> Has anyone else experienced either of these problems?

I have about 13.000 messages in this moment, in 4-5 active accounts, and
just one virtual folder, for flagged messages of all accounts/folders
(folders about 350). I can't remember exactly how long, but TB needs
more than 30 seconds to start and become usable. When it counts
messages, it needs about 10-15 seconds to finish that, and *if* I work
something in it (like changing focus, folders, or anything else) during
that time, something is always messed up, so I have to restart TB. Since
I have very silent HDD I didn't notice what really happens, until I
putted a glance at HDD light indicator. After that I always wait until
the indicator is off, which means that TB has finished messages
counting, so I can start to work with it. If I do so, then no mentioned
problems occur.

It is same with versions 2.11.xx and 2.12.

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