Hallo Robin,

On Fri, 16 Jul 2004 09:52:13 +1000GMT (16-7-2004, 1:52 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

RA> When I first start up TB! 2.12 it takes roughly 80 secs from opening the
RA> TB! window until numbers start to appear next to folders indicating
RA> numbers of messages.

RA> Has anyone else experienced either of these problems?

Judging from the reactions it looks like you're not the only one, but
over here I don't notice any lag at all.

TB 2.12
1 pop account
28000 + messages
No virtual folders
Win XP pro with the latest fixes
P4 3GHz 2GB
Server is on the LAN

Starting TB for the first time after booting takes 3 or 4 seconds,
including the download of the (20-30) messages collected overnight.

I suppose the virtual folders might be the problem.

Groetjes, Roelof

Disclaimer: Any opinion stated in this message is not necessarily shared by my budgies 
or rabbits.

Current version is 2.12.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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