On 9/28/2010 7:42 AM, Chris Hoogendyk wrote:

> Assuming that everyone has to use the same client comes a bit too
> close to the financial web sites that insist you have to be using IE
> and then program stuff directly to IE so that indeed I have to. But I
> can't. Microsoft has not supported IE on Mac for many years and has
> never supported it for Mac OS X. So, I'm stuck using the kiosk at my
> Bank if/when I absolutely have to. But that's not at all what
> internet banking is supposed to be. It sucks.

It's early, I haven't had enough coffee yet, and normally I'd keep 
quiet, but... I would suggest that you need to switch banks. For a while 
I had three of them that I was accessing for one reason or another, and 
Firefox worked just fine with them all. I have had a banking 
relationship with a bank that seemed to want only IE, and I walked over 
that issue alone (a few years ago). There's simply ALWAYS another bank.

The difference between a Miracle and a Fact
is exactly the difference between a mermaid and a seal.
               Mark Twain
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