David Wheeler wrote:
On Monday, May 19, 2003, at 05:08  PM, Stas Bekman wrote:

That's right. Let's try this next: I've attached a new patch, which moves the creation of lib/Apache/test.pm into a Makefile.PL. On case-insensitive systems it'll overwrite lib/Apache/Test.pm.

That appears to work, but it didn't uninstall the old test.pm,

So we need to figure out how to enforce UNINST the old Apache/test.pm if any.

For example we could adjust MY::install to unlink it, without messing with UNINST=1, though the latter will be the simplest.

and I haven't tried any tests that use Apache::test using the new one.

I think Geoff's Apache::Clean for mp1 uses it. So does older libapreq.

I wish there was a simple test to figure out whether a filesystem is case-insensitive.

I think that Perl itself does something like this:

use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);

my $file = catfile 't', 'TestTest';
open F, ">$file" or die "Cannot open $file: $!";
close F;
my $is_case_insensitive = -e catfile 't', 'testtest';
unlink $file;

in our case it's then much simpler. Since we don't have lib/Apache/test.pm, we can simply test:

my $is_case_insensitive = -e catfile qw(lib Apache test.pm);

Also could it possible that under the same OS one partition is case-insensitive while the other is not? If so, what happens if the package is built on one but the target is the other?

Oh, fer cryin' out loud, I don't know. Rename it Apache::Tester and don't worry about it, I say.

Other than the convenience, Apache::Test is used in at least two books ('mod_perl cookbook', and most likely 'practical mod_perl' too. So it's a bummer to have these in Errata if we can find an acceptible workaround.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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