David Wheeler wrote:
On Monday, May 19, 2003, at 07:18  PM, Stas Bekman wrote:

my $is_case_insensitive = -e catfile qw(lib Apache test.pm);

Ah, yes, of course. So there _is_ a simple way to test for it!

if it works, then yes!

It works:

% perl -e 'print -e "lib/Apache/test.pm" ? "insensitive\n" : "sensitive\n"'


Sigh :( I truly don't know how to handle that so we have zero hassle in the future.

How do the various book authors feel about having this and an Erratum?

I suppose that we can still fix 'practical mod_perl' but it should get into the print any day now. Dunno about Geoff.

Here is a fresh suggestion, based on our ability to time travel. Instead of solving the Apache::Test problem. Let's solve the Apache::test problem.

in-core 1.28:

- rename Apache/test.pm with Apache/testold.pm in mod_perl-1.x, so internal tests work just fine (no problems here).

3rd party modules:

- s/Apache::test/Apache::testold/ and
  - require 1.28
  - or bundle Apache/testold.pm locally

I think there are very few 3rd party modules that use Apache::test, so we can hunt those down and ask their authors to re-release their modules. Even if it'll take a while for this to happen, eventually no-one will use Apache::test.

And voila problem solved.

I think there are quite a lot of them:


But IIRC, most have Apache::test in their distros, and since use C<use lib> unshifts directory names onto the front of @INC, in most cases it should just continue to work.

That's a wrong check. It simply searches for any module having 'test' in its package name. One has to download and scan the code.

At any rate, you'll still have the problem of users installing mod_perl 1.27 after installing Apache::Test.

Not really, assuming that CPANPLUS if fixed, modules wanting to use Apache::Test will require Apache::Test => 1.03 or so and then it'll be re-installed again.

The only problem is with those 1.x 3rd party modules, but they will updated to 'require Apache::testold', which we can distribute in Apache-Test.

__________________________________________________________________ Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker http://stason.org/ mod_perl Guide ---> http://perl.apache.org mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://use.perl.org http://apacheweek.com http://modperlbook.org http://apache.org http://ticketmaster.com

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