> I think the end user problem is its hard to see what is going on since the 
> two stories are visually identical. It looks like ONE thing.

I realized this as well but it wasn't worth the effort to address for 
something that was a quick experiment to test compatibility. If BTC had not 
mentioned interest in seeing Muuri in a multiple story setup I would not 
even have posted those links.

> *My basic query is this:* functionally, for end aims, is this worth it? 
> What I mean is SINCE Muuri supports D&D to re-arrange at will what would be 
> the added value of two stories?

If your question addresses the demos I posted in particular, there is no 
added value beyond testing compatibility. However being able to use Muuri 
in multiple stories, or in a single story which is not the default, offers 
a lot of room for exploration and new workflows.
Firstly it's a technical thing for me. All storyviews currently in TW are 
flexible in that they can be used with multiple stories and there is 
nothing that ties them to the default story only. It just made sense to 
check if Muuri was too, as that opens the doors for others to leverage it 
in different ways, without any drawbacks. Thanks to the changes BTC made 
today this is already possible. We have all seen over time that TiddlyWiki 
users can be very creative as to the uses they will put things to when the 
need flexibility is present.

Secondly, as far as I can tell, Muuri will re-arrange all tiles when one is 
moved. So let's say I am working in one tiddler but want to have all the 
others open to refer to while maximizing how much I can see on screen. Well 
as soon as I close or move one of them, the tiddler I am working in will 
move as well! With two stories, I can be working in a normal story with a 
persistent order while having my reference or "to do" items in the other 

As a photographer that also does his own art direction, I can tell you that 
being able to write my notes for a project in one story with additional 
tiddlers open with textual reference, while referring to images and 
re-organizing them in another story would allow me to use TW for something 
it so far has not be useful for at all.

Similarly, I could imagine having one story with unordered images with a 
specific tag using Muuri. And another story that I am dragging and dropping 
those images into to create a moodboard to share with collaborators.

I'm pretty pressed for time these days so these are just the immediate 
personal use cases that came to mind. All of which are possible with a 
storyview written so as to not be tied to a specific story.


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