I still think that wired to the Touch is the best. But I don't think
that files on a NAS going to SBS on a different machine is a good idea

Its best to have the files on the same machine as SBS and put that in a
different room from the listening room, and use a wired network to the
Touch. If you absolutely HAVE to have the Touch running wifi, I think
you will be better off with the link between SBS and Touch rather than
NAS and SBS. But everything wired is still by far the best.

I'm a little over the top but I built a server with a cheap asus board,
AMD multicore processor, zalman heatsink with a slow moving fan, SSD for
OS and 1TB HD for music files. This system is very quiet, and SCREAMS
performance wise. Web ui is lightning fast, rescans and everything else
are rediculously fast. It should be able to handle any DSP tasks you
want to run on the server with ease. This thing really didn't cost that
much. If I remember correctly it was about $600 for the whole thing. 

John S.

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