As Robert says, the installation process has failed as it assumed that
initctl was there and probably created an upstart service but as initctl
isn't available it won't work, so it's probably a case of converting the
upstart service to systemctl, which I'm sure is possible but I don't know
how off the top of my head.

On 27 February 2016 at 16:15, Robert McWilliam <> wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 27, 2016, at 15:53, Barry Drake wrote:
> > Hi Simon ....  The 'start' command in the script is:
> > start_service()
> > {
> >      systemctl start symform${1}.service
> > }
> >
> > systemctl is very different in its operation.  The 'start' command won't
> > listen to a port.  There doesn't seem to be a way to set up listening to
> > port 59234 using that command.  Using it the way the systemd script
> > tries to, produces the error "Failed to start symformconfigure.service:
> > Unit symformconfigure.service failed to load: No such file or directory".
> >
> > I imagine the guy who wrote the script assumed the command was a direct
> > replacement for initctl.  It obviously is not.  I've saved the man page
> > as a text file, and read through it carefully.  There doesn't seem to be
> > a command that performs the action I need.  So far, I haven't found
> > anything that will do what initctl used to do. The initctl command was
> > used to make the port open the register page of the symform web site,
> > and return the information in the form of a log.  I've been trying to
> > find something that acts in the same way, but so far, no luck.
> >
> systemctl and initctl are ways of managing daemons/services/whatever you
> want to call them under the different init systems (I think systemd and
> upstart respectively). Those commands would only start a service if it
> was already set up and it looks like the set up isn't happening for the
> systemd version that you were then trying to start. I suspect there is a
> similar if-elif-else block earlier in the process that will set up the
> services that are going to be used later and it's similarly matching
> upstart rather than systemd so putting in configuration that would work
> with upstart (if that had been what your system were using).
> I'd look at what other functions are in the script, search
> the other scripts for places they're called and make sure the logic
> around that will pick the systemd option.
> Robert
> --
> Robert McWilliam
> Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.
> --

Twitter: @sfgreenwood
"TBA are particularly glib"

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