> Considering my work often starts at 8am and finishes
> between 8pm and 4am the next morning I do not know when
> else I am supposed to email the list Gary...

  It was on Clifton Hill that I met her . My best buddy
was back at my car grabbing the wallet he forgot , out
of my TR-6's trunk . I was getting a bit pissed off that
it was taking him so long , when all of a sudden , this
girl comes trucking up the sidewalk just like she owned
it .

  Chris was her name .

  She was the best girl I ever met . 19 . Killer smile .
Just a doll and that is the reason I stopped her and
asked for directions .

  I knew the area like the back of my hand (but we
grasp for straws in those sudden situations) and that
is all I could come up with ...

  Well , blow me away , this gorgeous girl was totally
in the mood for a glass of wine ! Wow ! She pointed out
2 of her most favorite places just up the hill , scant
meters away . Hard day at work for her and of course a
glass of wine with a newly met guy who dug her might
help fix a few things .

  Unfortunately my buddy shows up at the exact wrong
moment and makes it clear that I am not a tourist and
attempts to drag me away to our previoulsy set plans.

  Chris looks at me and rolls her eye's and walks away
quite quickly amd diliberately heading back up Clifton
Hill towards her car ...

(ya , but how did I come to learn that her name was
"Chris" ? ) .

Stay tuned !


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