rather change the group of vpopmail.mysql to vchkpw and let it be in mode 640.. it contains the password for the database, and if anyone who don't need to know it has shell access, its a security risk.


Michael Mussulis wrote:

I recompiled with spamassassin and maildrop, reinstalled, and vpopmail.mysql went back to mode 640, which caused this error:

@400000004b184f6a0be9e37c new msg 207176
@400000004b184f6a0be9ef34 info msg 207176: bytes 496 from <r...@localhost.localhost> qp 15404 uid 0 @400000004b184f6a0be9f704 starting delivery 1: msg 207176 to local test10.com-postmas...@test10.com
@400000004b184f6a0bea02bc status: local 1/10 remote 0/120
@400000004b184f6a0cce9274 delivery 1: deferral: vmysql:_can't_read_settings_from_/usr/local/hcp/vpopmail/etc/vpopmail.mysql/vdelivermail:_deferred,_database_down/

As soon as I changed to mode 644, it worked instantly.

@400000004b184fe21a1183ec starting delivery 7: msg 206333 to local test10.com-postmas...@test10.com
@400000004b184fe21a119774 status: local 1/10 remote 0/120
@400000004b184fe70d156744 delivery 7: success: LibClamAV_Error:_cl_cvdhead:_Can't_open_file_/var/lib/clamav/daily.cvd/maildrop:_non-filtered_mail_delivery/did_0+0+1/
@400000004b184fe70da581e4 status: local 0/10 remote 0/120
@400000004b184fe70da58d9c end msg 206333

Tom, you're my hero! :)

Now to get rid of that annoying clamav error...


 > From: t...@tomlogic.com
 > Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2009 15:25:05 -0800
 > To: vchkpw@inter7.com
 > Subject: Re: [vchkpw] vdeliver perimission denied for vadddomain -u
> Sorry to just jump in at a random point in the conversation, but here are some thoughts.
> If you su to the mike4 user, can you run ~vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail (i.e., do you have execute access on the file)? It needs to be able to do that. Can you cd into the directory with email for that domain? Maybe a higher-level directory prevents you from changing into it (you'll likely have to cd directly to it).
> I think that vdelivermail is self-contained, so you probably don't need to have access to other binaries. Qmail-local runs with the uid/gid in the users/assign file.
 > -Tom

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