My understanding (could be a mistaken impression) is that Piantelli thought
of the Ni transmutation and high energy proton emission as two separate
branches of the reaction.  I gathered that he thought about it this way for
lack of evidence of what the actual reaction was.  He saw what he believed
to be the hydrogen anions going in, and these two branches of the reaction
showing up as the output.  He thought of the hydrogen anion going inside Ni
atom becoming some kind of un-described composite atom before the branches
that left the Ni transmuted sometimes and the proton ejected at high energy

Given the recent discussion of Holmlid, it makes me wonder if the the
proton ejection branch could be from sudden breakup of the hydrogen anion
electron shielding from deep within the Ni atom, causing sudden Coulombic
repulsion of the proton.  How close would the hydrogen nucleus have to get
to the Ni nucleus to release 6 MeV in Coulombic repulsion?  It would be an
interesting calculation.

Later on in his experiments, after he had determined that there was high
energy proton emission, he added a cylindrical shell of Li around his Ni
rod to do something useful with the high energy protons - a sort of
afterburner for enhanced heat output due to the nuclear reactions induced
in the Li by the high energy protons.  This was a completely separate
reaction added in addition to the heat obtained directly from the Ni-H
LENR.  His early experiments had only the Ni and the hydrogen.

On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 8:54 AM, Eric Walker <> wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Bob Higgins <>
> wrote:
> It [the H- anion] quickly decends the electron shells to close proximity
>> to the nucleus, wherein something nuclear happens.  This produces a Ni
>> transmutation reaction branch and a high energy (6 MeV as I recall) proton
>> ejection branch.
> Just a point of clarification -- I thought the transmutation was thought
> by Piantelli to occur afterwards, as the occasional result of the prompt
> proton that is expelled.  It this incorrect?
> Eric

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