Jones Beene wrote:
I am really surprised that all of the RF-expertise here on Vo seems to be fixated on capacitive coupling when the initial photo on that page shows a battery driven isolated circuit with its own signal, where capacitive coupling is impossible.

The circuit under discussion was the one with a single ground wire attached and no input. It is based on the circuit shown in video #7. It is described farther down on that page.

The one with a battery is yet something else again.

It seems to me that the commentators here have been too quick to assume that the effect is conservative. Isn't the purpose of this forum to seek out anomalies, and this process may involve some trust in experimenters with very extensive experience in these things to have already eliminated obvious inputs.

It's just that -- "... have already eliminated obvious inputs" -- which is under discussion. In fact, Ron has never actually asserted that all obvious inputs have been eliminated.

As I said, the circuit being discussed extensively here was the one which apparently had just a ground wire attached and no inputs. It is by far the most anomalous item mentioned in the thread -- everything else discussed in this thread is just arguing over whether the input and output balance; OTOH if there's no input at all then it's a clear cut case of something for nothing. Don't you find that more interesting than the (possible) ability to pull more out of an alkaline cell than the manufacture's specs claim?

But according to the description given on the web page, the no-input circuit /does/ have an input: the signal generator is apparently intentionally capacitively coupled to the circuit.

I don't see why you think it's strange to try to pursue this to some sort of conclusion before going off on yet another tangent to look at yet another different circuit.

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