On Nov 1, 2007, at 11:05 AM, William Beaty wrote:

On Thu, 1 Nov 2007, John Berry wrote:

Honestly what are the odds that Ron has gone from real verified things to
faking?  (and for what reason, not money)

Read my message again. Read the subject line. I'm attempting to explain
why he got a cold reception on vortex.

I think people here aren't getting it. This has nothing to do with his
discovery being real.  I'll say it again:


Flares of anger will automatically put me on guard for a possible scammer. It shatters trust. So does his use of the title "Dr." without having a
PhD degree.  And I suspect that the same response occurred with others

Apparently some on overunity.com as well.  I found this:


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
G'day Super and all,

You have reason to be suspicious. A D.Sc. is not a legitimate mainstream degree. There is reason to believe that his degree was acquired in the same fashion as the "doctorates" of Peter Lindemann D.SC. and Robert Adams D.SC. In both instances they were honorary doctorates handed out by a natural health type "college" in New Zealand.

Hans von Lieven
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Personally I think a Dr. Sc. is a great degree, depending on where it was bestowed. I think Gene Mallove obtained one from MIT, thus he had a doctorate with considerable prestige, though he certainly needed no doctorate for my esteem. His actions and words were plenty sufficient. I think it a bit strange Ron leaves challenges like that unanswered though. That merely piles on more bait for criticism. I haven't read the whole blog yet, so I don't really know if some kind of response was made much later.

It makes him look like someone who is out to manipulate an
audience. His discovery may be real, but his behavior engenders distrust
(at least it does for me.)

If you believe his anger is suspicious then please post what questions have
made him angry so we can see if they are out of order.

Wouldn't Ron be the one that would have to tell us what things made him angry?

From Ron's comments, it appears that he abandoned vortex-L because I
repeatedly asked him to verify that the 50 kilowatt AM radio tower was not
providing energy.  I can't be certain though.  But here's more:

I wrote my message about "cold reception" the day before. I see that a
day later Ron has gotten angry and left the overunity.com forum.  It's
because Stefan Hartmann asked him to totally enclose the stand-alone
circuit in aluminum, wo/ any ground wire, to verify that the 50 kilowatts
AM radio tower was not serving as an energy source.  See:


Anyone know if Ron is still working with any group to help them replicate?

Horace Heffner

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