No! you are squirming to dodge the question of- did someone intentionally insult the guy needlessly.

It may not have been you personally, but do NOT try to frame this as an "innocent question" type of thing. It went way beyond that.

And as for your juvenile repetition of "are we there yet" ...Rightly or wrongly - he believes that the frivolous question-after-question on the same issue were adequately answered numerous times, and that the continuous harping and insinuation at that point- goes to his honesty or capability.

He said from day one that he eliminated ground looping and AM - and to re-ask the same question twenty times since, then does give the insinuation that you think that he is lying or incapable ... Either accept his word, or move on to something else.

Geeze... get real. Are you so out to lunch on petty details that you cannot see the forest for the trees? He does not owe you a detailed accounting of how he eliminated these issues -

Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

Jones Beene wrote:

I don't know where you come from, but in Texas (so I have been told) if you call someone a "con man" you better hope that you are a better shot than he is...

You didn't answer the question, Jones. Your response amounts to saying insulting someone will make them mad, and people in Texas carry guns.

Is Ron seriously threatening to sue us all?  Please answer the question.

Jones Beene wrote:

To: Vortex Members On 11/1/2007
From: Dr. Ronald R. Stiffler

[ ... ]

I am so against a Litigious Society, yet often it has a side that is the
only way to receive redress in cases such as this.

The same people that advise me on the legality of my work are most excited to assist me in this endeavor.

Is Ron threatening to sue us all for questioning his circuit and objecting to his methods???

That has REALLY "crossed the line".

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