From: Jed Rothwell 

Do you realize how silly you are sounding on every incremental try - with
this nonsense?


*  I know how improbable this is. I know it just as well as you do. So do
E&K. However, unlike you, we will wait to see what the data reveals. No
matter how improbable it may seem, it cannot be 100% ruled out by theory,
only by experiment. You say that's nonsense but people such as Kullander and
I call it science. 


If that were true, then why did no Kullander say up front, "yes I know that
copper can migrate easily, that the patent clearly states "nickel in a
copper tube" and that we found the isotope distribution was completely
natural"  <insert Jon Stewart sly grin > 


. and the great Dr Kullander continues: "yet even so, we decided to issue
the headline that this proves a nuclear source for the reaction - for the
reason that we want this be true, and lacking real proof, we kinda threw it
in there.."


*  we are not idiots or senile; we just have a different world-view than you


On that point we are in full agreement.














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