On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 8:36 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
<orionwo...@charter.net> wrote:

>> The agenda is not selected by me. With a regrettable
>> exception or two (one in a rather orthogonal thread on
>> perpendicular fields), I have only *responded* to threads
>> with my name on them, in which my posts from elsewhere were
>> brought here for dissection.
> Clear as mud.

He only responded to topics crossposted by Lomax except for the thread
on perpendicular electric and magnetic fields.  Personally, I think
Lomax and Cude should take their romance off this list.  I will speak
to the list owner on this since Cude only came back because of a list
violation on crossposting and they are cluttering the real topics for
which the list is intended.

Mud, yes.  Wallowing, IMO.


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