Aussie Guy E-Cat <> wrote:

> I do remember the hole in the roof P&F experienced and that was a pissy
> weak reactor compared to what Rossi has developed.

The table and the floor, not the roof.

I asked Martin what the hell happened to the materials from the table and
the floor. Did they save samples of them? He said no, they didn't. Any
photos? No, they didn't bother taking any. It reminds me of the time when
Mizuno scraped off black material from a cathode that probably transmuted,
and tossed it into the trash. He later said that was like throwing away
diamonds and gold.

It is as if the Wright brothers had gone ahead and burned up the first
airplane in a bonfire, on Dec. 17, 1903, because they were cold. They
almost did, as I mentioned. These people do a lousy job of preserving data
and physical evidence. Rossi is constantly pulling apart his old reactors
and reusing the equipment.

- Jed

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