*Are you suggesting that cold fusion might be used in this process? I do
not understand what business model you have in mind.*

You missed the significance in this important sentence of my post regarding
social engineering:

*“All that is required is to delay the powering of transportation using
LENR to provide an economic incentive to the farmer for liquid fuel

When you want somebody to do something, you must provide an *economic
incentive* to *motivate *the individual to follow that policy. This is a
policy in spirit like *cap and trade*, but for farmers and ranchers.
Elimination of farm waste will save 5000 lives a year from food poisoning
and a $trillion in medical bills. This advantage in itself is worth
delaying introduction of LENR in transportation products.

Anyway, According to Rossi, it will take 25 years to develop LENR for
transportation and 35 more years to replace all the old vehicles.  Many
poor people will not switch to LENR in this first adapter time frame due to
lack of capital and must continue to use gas in old cars and trucks. Then
there are those who will wait to see how reliable the new LENR
transportation products are.

So LENR might take 60 years or more to replace the old technology. As a
first line LENR advocate, you lack the patience necessary for a proper
assessment of both the most probable and most advantageous course of future

Cheers:   Axil

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 9:57 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> All that is required is to delay the powering of transportation using
>> LENR to provide an economic incentive to the framer for liquid fuel
>> production.
>> The removal of animal waste can be completely automated on the farm for
>> rapid conversion to $3 a gallon biodiesel. . . .
> Are you suggesting that cold fusion might be used in this process? I do
> not understand what business model you have in mind. What possible use
> would there be for biodiesel -- or any other liquid chemical fuel -- in a
> world with cold fusion? You might as well try to sell whale oil! We will
> use cold fusion directly to power transportation and other applications
> that now use liquid fuel.
> It may take longer to convert aviation, because the engines are the most
> complicated, and mission critical. That is only a small fraction of total
> liquid fuel consumption. It can easily be met with the remaining sources of
> oil, for 20 or 30 years or so until cold fusion jet aircraft engines are
> developed.
> In conclusion, LENR can get us back to the sustainable farming practices
>> that nurtured mankind even in the earliest and most wholesome days of our
>> civilization as well as remediate global warming.
> Actually, premodern agriculture was destructive in may parts of the world,
> especially in the middle east. It was not sustainable.
> - Jed

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