Chemical Engineer <> wrote:

3) Removal & sequestration of CO2 from atmosphere either as limestone deep
> in the ocean or under land requiring lots of LENR HP

I have a chapter on how to reverse global warming in my book. What we may
need is reverse combustion. You convert CO2 into carbon and oxygen, release
the oxygen, and bury the carbon, either as solid (like coal) or as
hydrocarbon (synthetic oil). Whichever is cheaper. A liquid might be easier
to deal with, for the same reason oil is more convenient than coal.

However, I not think this is necessary. A much simpler solution is
available that has many other benefits. We can use large scale desalination
to grow crops and forests in some desert areas. Then we sequester the
deadwood from the resulting climax forests. Depending on the forest it
takes 50 to 100 years to reach climax, so there is no rush. I estimated
approximately how much land and how many desalination plants this would
take. The numbers are not that high.

- Jed

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