On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 2:57 AM, James Bowery <jabow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So, let me ask you again for an acceptable control experiment but in
> different terms:
> What sort of picture does your theory predict will be very similar to the
> experimental treatment picture, but lack the essential aspects that produce
> the amplification of the placebo, or other hypothesized effect?

Well I did already post an image that has 2 very similar 'devices', one
which works well and another that is almost lifeless, just split them up.


The best way to make images that look identical but aren't is if I use
colour manipulation, these can be very hard to see differences.
But it requires that the right values get to the monitor, if the image is
changed by the videocard or the monitor due to colour settings, brightness,
gamma, vivid setting etc, or some white balance issue the effect will be
reduced or destroyed. (some colour effects have survived printing, but I
suspect many won't)

Meanwhile circuits can be made dramatically ineffective by making bad
connections, but this will be visible but maybe not obvious.

Another option is to not have any image presented to the person, while some
people feel the energy in their head/eyes/brain by looking at the images,
many can feel it in their palm or other body parts.
This can be done by putting (if images are to be used) a monitor in a
cardboard box.

Or by putting a light and a printed image in a box.  Or a sheet could hide

However guidance as to precisely where to feel is critical for all but the
most sensitive, so if they can't see an image there should be some visual
cues and some direction.

Most people that have felt this 'energy' under my direction have not had
anything to took at, rather a small metal cylinder has contained various
unpowered coils.
Additionally a couple of people have actually felt it incidentally (no
introduction and in public), when walking by or sitting in a waiting room
with a device in a pocket that happened to 'hit' the person.


> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 9:07 PM, John Berry <berry.joh...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> First off, thank you for at least considering this.
>> Yes I a bit frustrated that no one new has reported even trying these
>> images, but I did not mean to show any disrespect.
>> There is an issue I didn't really want to get to yet, but I think it must
>> be considered if we are going to get into the area of blind tests.
>> You are likely aware of the small but positive results that tiny steel
>> balls falling one side or another in a contraption showed an influence of
>> the mind on the results.
>> You may or may not be aware that certain experiments with subatomic
>> particles and SQUID's show a very strong influence of the mind.
>> There is of course other 'fringe' evidence of various non-physical
>> energies being effected by the mind, additionally there is a field called
>> energy psychology where energy structured with emotions is released.
>> Rupert Shaldrake's research, links between identical twins and mother and
>> her children are sometime inexplicable without some degree of thoughts
>> being things.
>> Indeed the placebo effect can not only be more effective than many
>> treatments, it is becoming more effective than it used to be, about double!
>> So the problem is that devices that manipulate the aether act to increase
>> the energy available to the Placebo effect (available to the mind).
>> Now you see why I didn't want to get into this, I am already asking you
>> to feel a something I can only poorly define which most people can
>> experience but in different ways, and now I have to add the additional
>> detail, your beliefs and thoughts can effect the aetheric energy to a
>> degree.
>> That doesn't mean a placebo controlled test can't work, but it does make
>> for a possibility of some confusing results.
>> I know it is real, I feel it as a physical sensation on my palms and
>> sometimes other places on my body and it is very very strong and real.
>> But I know you can't take it on faith.
>> You could just humor me.
>> Or you could try to feel it yourself, hopefully enough to be convinced of
>> it.
>> Of course you could ignore it as being too far out.
>> But consider that the rules of scientific evidence may actually stop us
>> from  recognizing a part of reality.
>> My interest does not lie in how this interacts with the mind, or various
>> other distractions.
>> My interest does lie in creating physical effects.
>> Physics has been ignoring a rather significant (albeit seldom reliable or
>> clear) portion of reality, and this does open up the possibility of
>> understanding these areas for those interested, just not my prime area of
>> interest.
>> I am not sure how to run a blind test well when the aether can be
>> effected by thoughts. It might be possible but real consideration would
>> have to be given.
>>  John
>> On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 12:10 PM, James Bowery <jabow...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> You know, John, if I were an amazing Randi type, aside from the fact
>>> that I wouldn't be caught dead posting to vortex-l, I would propose my own
>>> control experiment rather than asking you what you considered to be an
>>> acceptable control experiment.
>>> If I were the Amazing Randi, my control experiment would be something
>>> like show a bunch of people random images and ask them if they "felt
>>> anything".  I would then proceed to lead a monkey beat upon you satisfying
>>> the egos of a bunch of "skeptics" that they had the strength of numbers on
>>> their side.
>>> So how about showing me the respect that I showed you by asking you what
>>> YOU would consider to be an acceptable control experiment?
>>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 6:09 PM, James Bowery <jabow...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Running a control experiment is "debunking"?
>>>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 5:57 PM, John Berry <berry.joh...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> It is funny that not a single new person has reported even testing the
>>>>> images.
>>>>> Both Jones Bennee and Gibson Elliot had tested and reported back with
>>>>> positive results before I posted this to Vortex.
>>>>> So before everyone tries to debunk it, find fault.
>>>>> How about actually testing it and reporting back what if anything you
>>>>> got from it?
>>>>> For me the intensity of the energy is far far beyond anything that my
>>>>> imagination alone can conjure up.
>>>>> But I accept that may not be the case for most.
>>>>> John
>>>>> On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 10:44 AM, James Bowery <jabow...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>> What would be an acceptable control experiment that could distinguish
>>>>>> between placebo and real effect?  What about double blind?
>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 5:13 PM, John Berry 
>>>>>> <berry.joh...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>> Let me add that I also know that this has nothing to do with visual
>>>>>>> effects because this is only one form I have used to effect the aether.
>>>>>>> It started when I made a coil a bit over a year ago, I could very
>>>>>>> very faintly at first feel something in my hand.
>>>>>>> It was near the level of imagination at first, but it became more
>>>>>>> apparent as the energy gathered in my hand until it was undeniable.
>>>>>>> I thought it might have had a conventional explanation until I found
>>>>>>> it worked for a few minutes after turning the power off.
>>>>>>> I learnt more and made one that needed no power and was stronger, I
>>>>>>> tested it on people and found a majority could feel it.
>>>>>>> I have since made many more coils and had about 200+ people feel a
>>>>>>> sensation (over 90%, often about 97%, occasionally a lower percentage 
>>>>>>> feel
>>>>>>> it, but always a majority).
>>>>>>> I have made audio files that use some of the principles I found to
>>>>>>> get computer speakers to make the energy (sometimes it is not the sound 
>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>> the EM from the speakers that effects the aether).
>>>>>>> And I have done a lot of work with images since they can effect the
>>>>>>> aether just fine, but have many many advantages.
>>>>>>> So if it was just an effect with the mind, then these same
>>>>>>> principles would not work when in coil form hidden from sight in a tube,
>>>>>>> but it works fine.
>>>>>>> So before you write this off as some bio-sensory trick, give it a
>>>>>>> try.
>>>>>>> Why wouldn't light effect the medium in which it has it's existence?
>>>>>>> Really by definition it must. Well, it does.
>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 9:14 AM, John Berry 
>>>>>>> <berry.joh...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>>> This is not made to effect the eye or brain.
>>>>>>>> It works with eyes closed.
>>>>>>>> As do images that look like a solid colour to the eyes, they still
>>>>>>>> work (due to subtle colour variation the eye can't make out).
>>>>>>>> If you put the  'shooter' image on screen and feel the right side
>>>>>>>> of the screen from the back or not looking at the screen, the energy 
>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>> still be felt.
>>>>>>>> Having said that, it depends on the persons sensitivity.
>>>>>>>> Some people can't feel it in their palms, but enough can.
>>>>>>>> If you don't believe me, here is a radical idea, try it.
>>>>>>>> Stick the image on screen and feel at the 'output' of the shooter
>>>>>>>> image and see if you can feel something (likely subtle, a breeze, a 
>>>>>>>> cool, a
>>>>>>>> warmth, a tingle, something), then try without being able to see the 
>>>>>>>> image.
>>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 1:31 AM, Roarty, Francis X <
>>>>>>>> francis.x.roa...@lmco.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>  John,****
>>>>>>>>> Eye candy, vertigo and mood alteration are certainly examples of
>>>>>>>>> light patterns affecting the brain through optical stimulation but I 
>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>> not qualify this as engineering the ether. It is an interesting 
>>>>>>>>> subject but
>>>>>>>>> I disagree with you titling this subject as based on ether theory.
>>>>>>>>> ****
>>>>>>>>> Regards****
>>>>>>>>> Fran****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> *From:* John Berry [mailto:berry.joh...@gmail.com]
>>>>>>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, April 18, 2013 4:05 AM
>>>>>>>>> *To:* vortex-l@eskimo.com
>>>>>>>>> *Subject:* EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Any experimenters, aether theorists
>>>>>>>>> here?****
>>>>>>>>>  ** **
>>>>>>>>> Harry, thanks for your appreciation.****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> But it isn't about drawings.****
>>>>>>>>> Sure, that is the option I have selected to share since it is sooo
>>>>>>>>> easy to replicate.****
>>>>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>>>>> I can also make sound files that create energy that can be felt.**
>>>>>>>>> **
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> And programs****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> And videos, but the easiest to share is images.****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> I can share coils, I can share electrical circuits.****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> It is about breaking into a new realm of physics that makes much
>>>>>>>>> more extraordinary technology possible.****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> So who is interested?
>>>>>>>>> So far no one new has apparently tried to feel the energy.****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> I thought the only reason to be here was interests in breakthrough
>>>>>>>>> discoveries in science that change what is possible, it seems however 
>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>> there are very very few even willing to dip their toe in the water.
>>>>>>>>> ****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> John****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 6:49 PM, Harry Veeder <
>>>>>>>>> hveeder...@gmail.com> wrote:****
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for positing this.
>>>>>>>>> It is about drawing the world into existence.****
>>>>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>>>>> Newton drew a clock-work universe into existence using geometry
>>>>>>>>> and the tools of a mechanical draftsmen.****
>>>>>>>>> "...geometry is founded in mechanical practice, and is nothing but
>>>>>>>>> that part of universal mechanics which accurately proposes and 
>>>>>>>>> demonstrates
>>>>>>>>> the art of measuring." --from the preface to Principia  ****
>>>>>>>>> Today, we don't have to confine ourselves to mechanical practices
>>>>>>>>> when drawing geometry so we can draw different worlds into existence.
>>>>>>>>> ****
>>>>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>>>>> Harry****
>>>>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 8:56 AM, John Berry <
>>>>>>>>> berry.joh...@gmail.com> wrote:****
>>>>>>>>> And a 3rd  image to try to feel, this contains recent development
>>>>>>>>> with some previous ones.****
>>>>>>>>> http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/6251/rotational.png****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> All in an effort to reduce the odds of having people report they
>>>>>>>>> don't feel anything.****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> Again, best in a dark room (but not required).****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> Feel for any sensations.****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 11:43 PM, John Berry <
>>>>>>>>> berry.joh...@gmail.com> wrote:****
>>>>>>>>> A worthwhile improvement for both images:****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/1139/lateststrongest4.png****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/6029/shooterv54.png****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 7:32 PM, John Berry <
>>>>>>>>> berry.joh...@gmail.com> wrote:****
>>>>>>>>> I sent the wrong image by mistake, the first link should have been
>>>>>>>>> this one:****
>>>>>>>>> http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/4411/thelateststrongest2.png***
>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> ** **

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