Carlo, what happened was that those of us that felt neutral about the name 
change kept quiet, but your explanation has helped me with making up my mind. I 
do support the name change. It seems that at present it's not worthwhile to put 
the time and effort into monthly meetings and this is a way of possibly 
attracting new apple enthusiasts who are out there.  Regards, Susan

Sent from my iPad

On 17/09/2012, at 8:35 PM, Carlo Margio <> wrote:

> I would just like to put out this quick response. Due to a bout of the flu 
> and some coordinated crises in other areas  I have had to ration my time. 
> First up I will say that I will recommend at the next committee meeting that 
> we don't go ahead with the name change vote as apart from a few supporters 
> there has been quite vocal opposition. Nevertheless as promised I will state 
> my reasons for originally supporting the proposal.
> To me it is patently obvious that the new name is superior but apparently 
> views on this differ. A poster that reads Apple Users WA Meeting has already 
> selected those who have an interest in the topic. Those that choose to read 
> on will be seeking information as to how to get to the meeting, those not 
> interested (say Android users) will know not to waste their time. The 
> organisations description would be its name so nothing further needs to be 
> remembered. Compare this to a poster that reads WA Mac Users Group Meeting, 
> or WA Macintosh Users Group Meeting, or more correctly the full name Western 
> Australian Macintosh Users Group Meeting. Most persons would not know what 
> the poster was about, but worse it does not describe what our group actually 
> does because it does not cover the iPhone, the iPad, Apple TV and many of the 
> more innovative and recent Apple products. Much as I love the Macintosh and 
> spend a great deal of my time on one it now accounts for only about 15% of 
> the Appl
> devices sold -- I don't have exact numbers on hand. So many Apple users do 
> not own a Macintosh.
> Some quick responses to post (from memory):
> Someone quipped If it ain't broke don't fix it -- a recent meeting had from 
> memory about 8 attendees 6 of whom where committee members. The mailing list 
> is far from broken by the meetings are. Certain of us have put a lot of 
> effort into presentation that a being given to a very small group.
> Shouldn't it be WA Apple Users -- Yes I would prefer that to WAMUG but to my 
> mind Apple Users WA is better because it puts the purpose of the organisation 
> first then qualifies it with the WA
> Will Apple allow this -- that we don't know. Trying the name is one way to 
> find out. The fact that we are a users group may mean that we will be OK. The 
> Queensland based Apple-Q users group has passed scrutiny and our current name 
> already has the Apple registered "Macintosh" is its name.
> What will this cost please publish the books -- I have not done a cost 
> benefit analysis but as a non profit group we do not aim to make a profit. 
> All monies spent further our cause of helping Apple Users and promoting Apple 
> use. I do not off the top of my head know the current state of the books but 
> a personal communication to the treasurer would likely get that. Historically 
> a treasurer's report is given at the general meeting. If you wish to change 
> this please move a motion to that extent.
> The business saying, become the company that would put you out of business 
> may apply here. We are currently an extremely effective mail list but have 
> very little attendance at the meetings. So for now the name change will not 
> go ahead.  Will another group appear and make us irrelevant. 
> Regards,
> Carlo
> ---
> Carlo Margio
> Real World Computing
> mob: +61 404 296 965
> On 17/09/2012, at 9:19 AM, Ronda Brown <> wrote:
>> Hi Carlo,
>> I understand you are busy but you mentioned you would post comment over the 
>> week-end. 
>> I would appreciate a response to my concerns and queries, that I posted on 
>> 12/09/2012.
>> I'll itemise my three main concerns / questions that have not been responded 
>> to below. My original email is also included.
>> 1. How does Apple itself feel about this name change, given that it wasn't 
>> that long ago (3-4 years I think) that they "took back" AppleCentre names 
>> from the Resellers? Are we (as WAMUG) allowed now to use "Apple Users"? 
>> Or is that something they would take back down the track as well?
>> 2. The Committee mention a marketing push in the original post. 
>> Has a marketing push been tried currently with WAMUG as it stands to date?
>> Couldn't this be tried as another (much easier) way to try and recruit more 
>> members. Surely just advertising WAMUG - come along to learn all about and 
>> gain extensive knowledge and help for all things Apple - iPhone, iPad, 
>> AppleTV. New members welcome to the monthly meetings. Or something along 
>> that theme? 
>> Any marketing material would still just refer to "the whole range of Apple 
>> products and services" that you're trying to target. 
>> And those older, longer (or lost) members who still remember WAMUG, it may 
>> be enough of a "Refresh" to dig them out of the woodwork. 
>> As mentioned in my first email, I still get a lot of people that email me 
>> privately about how great a service is given by WAMUG.
>> 3. Has a budget or costing been looked at for all this as yet? Or is that to 
>> follow the name change? I know you have to spend money to make money as the 
>> saying goes, but we (as WAMUG as a whole) obviously still need to cover the 
>> running costs of the group I would imagine without "blowing out the budget". 
>> Surely if we could try a marketing push without the added expensive of all 
>> these changes first, would show if it's going to work or not?
>> Regards,
>> Ronni
>> On 13/09/2012, at 7:44 AM, Carlo Margio <> 
>> wrote:
>>> Mi Muggers,
>>> There a many interesting points below I would like to comment on. I am 
>>> mired down in family issues and preparation for delivery of a UWA test 
>>> tomorrow so haven't had a spare moment. I will post on the week end.
>>> Regards,
>>> Carlo
>>> ---
>>> Carlo Margio
>>> Real World Computing
>>> mob: +61 404 296 965
>>> On 12/09/2012, at 11:40 PM, Pete Smith <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Ronni and all other WAMUGGERS.
>>>> I'd just like to address two points from a personal perspective to put 
>>>> your minds at ease.
>>>> 1. Domain name.   Knowing that the name change would invoke healthy public 
>>>> debate on a public forum and also knowing that there are people out there 
>>>> (not WAMUGGERS!!) who snap up possible domain names to hold out for 
>>>> 'ransom', so to speak,  a couple of domain names were snapped up by WAMUG 
>>>> first.
>>>> If the end result is that the membership vote to change the name, we 
>>>> already have the domain secured. If the end result is that membership vote 
>>>> to retain WAMUG, then the domain names will simply expire and not be 
>>>> renewed. It was just a precautionary thing.
>>>> Personally - please consider the change and vote for what you want.
>>>> 2. Constitution.   I don't know where the 28 days has come from. Our 
>>>> constitution reads:
>>>> "5.3 Notice of General Meetings
>>>> At least twenty one days notice of every Annual General Meeting or 
>>>> fourteen days for every Special General Meeting shall be given to Members 
>>>> specifying the place, the date and the hour of the Meeting and the general 
>>>> nature of any special business, but the non-receipt of such notice by any 
>>>> Member shall not invalidate the proceedings at any General Meeting."
>>>> The Associations Incorporation Act 1987 allows us to set the time period 
>>>> as we see fit as long it is actually in the Rules (Constitution) which it 
>>>> is. Other bodies may have 28 days but we don't. As you see, it is 21 days 
>>>> for the AGM and only 14 days for a Special General meeting.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Pete Smith
>>>> On 12/09/2012, at 17:15 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>>>> OOPS ... I forgot another point I did hint at it my first post to the 
>>>>> list.
>>>>> In the post from the Committee it was mentioned having to explain the 
>>>>> WAMUG name. Isn't this sort of doing the right thing, as it's getting 
>>>>> them "enquiring" about it.  
>>>>> Once you've got them asking what it is, you then explain what WAMUG is, 
>>>>> what it does (covering all Apple products) etc etc.
>>>>> You have then got them intrigued enough to enquire about it,.... so 
>>>>> you've "got them",... then you can sell them on the idea to come and see, 
>>>>> come to a meeting or join the Mailing List.
>>>>> Well that's it from me, all done, nothing more to say.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ronni
>>>>> On 12/09/2012, at 4:57 PM, Ronda Brown <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi WAMUGers,
>>>>>> Well, I have said "Hi WAMUGers" another time ;-)
>>>>>> I've been giving some more thought to this and watching the list and 
>>>>>> comments and pondering the following, which I haven't seen answered as 
>>>>>> yet, so will re-post for interest sake, some of the queries raised so 
>>>>>> far, as well as some points of interest I have.
>>>>>> First off, I'm assuming that would be the new 
>>>>>> website address. After doing a search of registered Domain Names, I 
>>>>>> noticed it was registered already, which I then discovered was by WAMUG. 
>>>>>> Just curious why this was registered when it has not been agreed on as 
>>>>>> yet?
>>>>>> Secondly, Merv mentioned the other day that the Special Meeting requires 
>>>>>> a 28 day notice, so may not fall in time for the 2nd October. I'm 
>>>>>> assuming this would then need to be the November meeting to keep in line 
>>>>>> with the constitution.
>>>>>> The Committee mention a marketing push in the original post. Has a 
>>>>>> marketing push been tried currently with WAMUG as it stands to date?
>>>>>> Couldn't this be tried as another (much easier) way to try and recruit 
>>>>>> more members. Surely just advertising WAMUG - come along to learn all 
>>>>>> about and gain extensive knowledge and help for all things Apple - 
>>>>>> iPhone, iPad, AppleTV. New members welcome to the monthly meetings. Or 
>>>>>> something along that theme? 
>>>>>> Any marketing material would still just refer to "the whole range of 
>>>>>> Apple products and services" that you're trying to target. And those 
>>>>>> older, longer (or lost) members who still remember WAMUG, it may be 
>>>>>> enough of a "Refresh" to dig them out of the woodwork. 
>>>>>> As mentioned in my first email, I still get a lot of people that email 
>>>>>> me privately about how great a service is given by WAMUG.
>>>>>> Which also brings out the question of costing? Has a budget or costing 
>>>>>> been looked at for all this as yet? Or is that to follow the name 
>>>>>> change? I know you have to spend money to make money as the saying goes, 
>>>>>> but we (as WAMUG as a whole) obviously still need to cover the running 
>>>>>> costs of the group I would imagine without "blowing out the budget". 
>>>>>> Surely if we could try a marketing push without the added expensive of 
>>>>>> all these changes first, would show if it's going to work or not?
>>>>>> Another point that has been worrying me is... How does Apple itself feel 
>>>>>> about this, given that it wasn't that long ago (3-4 years I think) that 
>>>>>> they "took back" AppleCentre names from the Resellers. Are we (as WAMUG) 
>>>>>> allowed now to use Apple Users? Or is that something they would take 
>>>>>> back down the track as well?
>>>>>> As everyone knows I am all for WAMUG, I believe in WAMUG's principles 
>>>>>> and work and I try to do the very best I possibly can to help people on 
>>>>>> the Mailing List.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Ronni
>>>>>> On 11/09/2012, at 9:39 AM, Ronda Brown <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi WAMUGers,
>>>>>>> With sadness that will probably be the last time I use "Hi WAMUGers". 
>>>>>>> I'm not against change but I am feeling sadness that the name WAMUG 
>>>>>>> (Western Australian Macintosh Users' Group)  will be no longer. 
>>>>>>> A great reputation was built under that name, and I am honoured and 
>>>>>>> proud to have been awarded a Honorary Life Membership of WAMUG. 
>>>>>>> People from all over the world have contacted me congratulating us on 
>>>>>>> the level of support we give on WAMUG Mailing List. 
>>>>>>>> The committee proposes that our group of Apple enthusiasts be know as 
>>>>>>>> "Apple Users WA".  As opposed to WAMUG which has to be explained to 
>>>>>>>> all on first hearing
>>>>>>> I don't agree that WAMUG has to be explained TO ALL on first hearing, 
>>>>>>> sure as any company/group name abbreviated to an acronym there are some 
>>>>>>> people who you need to give an explanation. If "Apple Users WA" is 
>>>>>>> abbreviated to AUWA you would be explaining to more people.
>>>>>>> Will the new website be ""?  Will the email 
>>>>>>> Address be
>>>>>>> A new Constitution will also need to be prepared.
>>>>>>> I am not wanting to sound negative about the change as change is 
>>>>>>> normally for the best. Just one last point I would like to make is from 
>>>>>>> what I understand the majority of  Members are "Online Members"; 
>>>>>>> members who for varying reasons can not/do not attend WAMUG Meetings 
>>>>>>> and rely purely on the WAMUG Mailing list.
>>>>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>>>>> Ronni
>>>>>>> On 10/09/2012, at 10:00 PM, wamug announce <> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Muggers,
>>>>>>>> As you know the WAMUG Committee is working hard to increase the 
>>>>>>>> availability of our service to Apple users. A number of our recent 
>>>>>>>> meetings have included well received hands on demonstrations in 
>>>>>>>> addition to the traditional segment for problem solving and the 
>>>>>>>> sharing of ideas. Though we are a vibrant and active group and have a 
>>>>>>>> particularly responsive, helpful mail list, the Committee would like 
>>>>>>>> to instigate a marketing push to increase meeting attendance, attract 
>>>>>>>> some new members, and get involved in community outreach. A model that 
>>>>>>>> we can aspire to is that of the dynamic Apple-Q in Queensland. ( 
>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>> This marketing will include a revamping of the web-site, printing of 
>>>>>>>> business cards, and advertising in local publications and on local 
>>>>>>>> notice boards. Before the marketing initiative begins a name change 
>>>>>>>> would greatly help with public recognition of what our group does. The 
>>>>>>>> committee proposes that our group of Apple enthusiasts be know as 
>>>>>>>> "Apple Users WA".  As opposed to WAMUG which has to be explained to 
>>>>>>>> all on first hearing, Apple Users WA obviously describes a group Apple 
>>>>>>>> product users.
>>>>>>>> We support the whole range of Apple products and services in addition 
>>>>>>>> to the much loved, time honoured Mac. Newer products such as the iPod, 
>>>>>>>> iPhone, iPad and Apple TV all contribute to the easily accessible 
>>>>>>>> Apple ecosystem that we have come to rely upon. Rounding out the Apple 
>>>>>>>> combined ecosystem are services that include iCloud, iTunes, iTunes U, 
>>>>>>>> iTunes Match, the App Store, and the Mac App Store. It is now possible 
>>>>>>>> to own and iPhone and an iPad, and with the use iCloud have an 
>>>>>>>> extremely versatile and functional setup. Younger people in particular 
>>>>>>>> are often in a position where they do not even know what a Mac is. 
>>>>>>>> Also Windows users are often wooed into the Apple fold by the iPhone 
>>>>>>>> and iPad, but may initially not know the benefits of converting to an 
>>>>>>>> iMac or a MacBook. We would like to help these sections of the 
>>>>>>>> community as well as those who make use of the full range of Apple 
>>>>>>>> products.
>>>>>>>> Even though we long standing members are quite comfortable with, and 
>>>>>>>> likely even quite attached to the WAMUG name, a name that better 
>>>>>>>> reflects our activities and sounds more accessible will help us 
>>>>>>>> promote the use of the Apple product range and provide a obvious 
>>>>>>>> support group for the growing collection of new Apple users.
>>>>>>>> So while aficionados principally do our work on a Mac, increasingly 
>>>>>>>> certain specialised functions are better served by using newer Apple 
>>>>>>>> products and services. The Committee proposes that we change the name 
>>>>>>>> to Apple Users WA to better reflect this.
>>>>>>>> This name change will require the passing of a motion at a Special 
>>>>>>>> Meeting of WAMUG. We propose that the meeting of Tuesday 2 October be 
>>>>>>>> such a Special Meeting. An email with details will follow shortly.
>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>> WAMUG Committee
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