While I understand that the attendance to WAMUG meetings is a big problem I do 
not believe that changing the name will be part of the solution.  I personally 
believe that the WAMUG name is not having any influence on meeting attendance 
and a different name would not do so either.

I understand that people are putting in a great deal of time and effort in an 
attempt to address the attendance problem but I feel that many valid points 
about the name change have not been addressed.  Not to say that these points 
have been overlooked but perhaps by taking the time to try and write a reply to 
them the gravity of their effect on WAMUG may be strongly felt.


> I have forwarded an extract from an email sent to me from Reg Whitely - 
> Interim Ambassador: GMUG
> I am a member of GMUG and Support GMUG.
> Begin Extract From email/
> Hi Ronni
> Graeme Moffatt is our regional Apple User Group Regional Coordinator. He can 
> assist with WAMUG queries.  
> He lives in Wellington, NZ.
> I don't think there would be any concerns changing the name to "Apple" from 
> Apple's perspective. See here as a starting point 
> http://www.apple.com/au/usergroups/
> Graeme helped us update our GMUG details last year. He is a GMUG member and 
> is recognised on our website here: 
> http://www.gmug.org.au/people-and-links.html
> I hope that helps, although I would presume the WAMUG committee would know 
> this too.
> Reg
> Reg Whitely
> Home: 08 9921 7272
> Mob: 04 8899 7313
> Email: rwhit...@internode.on.net
> /End Extract from email
> ===================
> On 18/09/2012, at 12:35 PM, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>> Hello Carlo and Group,
>> I don't wish to sound like I am complaining, because I am not; and don't 
>> intend to complain.
>> It seems to me there has not been enough research done for this 'project', 
>> before posting the 'Proposed name change to Apple Users WA' to the Mailing 
>> List Members.
>> I have already pointed out some concerns and queries in other posts, so 
>> won't repeat them.
>> I'm not so much 'worried' about a name change, if one is deemed necessary to 
>> promote and influence more people to join our group.
>> But Carlo's comment to my question -
>> /Quote my question:
>> "How does Apple itself feel about this name change, given that it wasn't 
>> that long ago (3-4 years I think) that they "took back" AppleCentre names 
>> from the Resellers? Are we (as WAMUG) allowed now to use "Apple Users"? 
>> Or is that something they would take back down the track as well?"
>> On 17/09/2012, at 8:35 PM, Carlo Margio <wa...@realworldcomputing.com.au> 
>> wrote:
>>> Will Apple allow this -- that we don't know. Trying the name is one way to 
>>> find out. 
>> The above comment made by Carlo, just does not make sense to me at all.
>> Why not do it the "sensible" way. And ASK??? Wouldn't that be an easier way 
>> than the expense and hassle? 
>> I would have thought the common sense way would be to ask Apple. Say, we're 
>> looking at changing our name to 'Apple Users WA' from 'WAMUG'. Is this going 
>> to be a problem? Then you have it in writing! 
>> If Apple come back and say NO, we'd appreciate you don't use Apple in the 
>> name then you know. 
>> If  Apple are fine with it, then you know it is ok to continue.
>> I personally would have thought asking is a better and easier way to do it.
>> You don't start a shop with the name Apple seller to see if it's allowed. 
>> You go through "the exercise" first to check. Research. Ask. Question. Plan.
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
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