On Tue, 2008-12-30 at 19:52 -0500, Maria Droujkova wrote:

> In the spirit of refinement, where would "learners as co-creators of
> content" fit? At a first glance, it seems to belong in the
> co-production models, but maybe it's a separate dimension altogether.
> possibilities:
> producer-consumer-learner vs. co-production-learning vs. co-production
> together with learners, as an integral part of the learning process. 

Hi Maria --- that's a very good question.  In WikiEducator, two examples
come to mind where learners are actively engaged in co-producing
learning materials. Apology for the long-winded response -- but this is
a fascinating discussion.

1) Biology in elementary schools is a project at St Michael's College
where student teachers produce OER lessons
(http://www.wikieducator.org/Biology_in_elementary_schools) and are
graded on their work as part of the course;
2) Ruth Lawson, a lecturer at Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand is
developing learning activities on WikiEducator based on her OER text on
the Anatomy and Physiology of Animals on Wikibooks (see:
http://www.wikieducator.org/The_Anatomy_and_Physiology_of_Animals). Ruth
reports that students assist in refening and improving the activities on

So one classification option under the co-production model could be
based on two points of a continuum:

a) OERs  produced solely by learners, and
b) OER produced solely by teachers 

The middle ground of this continuum would represent OER co-produced by
teachers and learners.

Thinking out loud here -- do we need a discrete category for learner
generated OER? Or does the co-production model subsume the continuum of
learner engagement as co-producers. 

Another interesting angle in the co-production model is the idea that
learners become teachers, and teachers become learners.  I think there
is wisdom in the old adage that if you want to learn something --- teach
it. Also teachers (or subject matter experts) developing content in the
wiki become learners in the sense that through collaboration they are
exposed to experiential learning with reference to learning design,
multimedia design and visual design.

mmmm --- clearly our typology and our evolving classification framework
needs some refinement :-). Thanks for your reflections.




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