Hey Dave,

I should have read this mail before replying! It was certainly the case in the past the some of the platforms that xerces supported did not have decent STL support. Has this now changed? Dean knew all the issues if I recall correctly and does sometimes lurk on the list. Are you out there Dean?


On 12 Feb 2005, at 8:27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Lots of cool ideas there. I'm with Alby though in being reticent about
drawing in STL-based code at this juncture. I could be wrong about
but I seem to recall something about Xalan-C having relatively recently
gone through a painful change away from STL for the sake of portability.

Actually, the Xalan-C code was quite portable with the standard library.
However, trying to implement pluggable memory management like Xerces-C did
is not possible with the standard library, so we wrote some container
classes that are very much like the standard ones (vector, list, deque),
but which support Xerces-C's MemoryManager class. In fact, it went
further than I wanted it to, and they actually require an instance of a
MemoryManager to operate.

It might be interesting for Xerces-C to adopt those classes, but they do
still need some work, both in design, and performance. And, although they
have been relatively bug free within the context of how we use them in
Xalan-C, I'm not willing to guarantee that there aren't problems lurking


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