
>From: "Tom Magic Feet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "313 mailing list" <>
>Subject: (313) Fw: Jockey Slut mag
>Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2004 2:08 AM

> did you get this?In amongst this piece of prime PR jibber-jabber below is
> the news that Jockey Slut is to go quarterly instead of monthly and focus
> more on its website and selling stuff to 'youths' instead. The decline of
> the UK dance music press continues - discuss.
> (Apologies for all the equals and numbers in the text, that's how I got it.)
> PS: Although I do write for the Slut I don't know any more than this, so
> anyone running labels etc please don't ask me for more info beacause no-one
> at the mag has told me anything at all, which is par for the course,
> actually. I got this from another source.
> ----
> 30th January 2004
> Swinstead Publishing looks to the future
> Progressive brand development starts with Jockey Slut repositioning
> Swinstead Publishing is to make a bold and progressive move to bring its yo=
> uth culture magazine portfolio into the 21st Century, through challenging t=
> he =91outdated=92 conventions that most publishers still cling to. These ch=
> anges will bring SP closer to its readers, consolidate its position as a cu=
> tting-edge and innovative publisher and will allow broader opportunities fo=
> r its brands to extend beyond their current print media limitations.
> The first move will see Jockey Slut, the world=92s leading cutting-edge mus=
> ic title, invest in an expansion plan which laughs in the face of the curre=
> nt glut of music magazine failures. Revered worldwide, as the ultimate auth=
> ority on great alternative, underground and dance music, the brand will be =
> realigned to make greater use of the expertise behind the magazine.
> Over the last 11 years, Jockey Slut has made itself the holy grail of irrev=
> erent and passionate music journalism. It has been ground breaking with its=
>  cover stars, legendary events and highly acclaimed covermount albums. Plan=
> s to capitalise on its unique reputation and insight include an emphasis on=
>  the website, redeveloping it as a destination site, with information being=
>  made available for free on a daily and weekly basis, rather than restricti=
> ng this information to the time-delayed date it hits the shelves each month=
> .
> SP sees this as a key tool in the Jockey Slut expansion into emerging inter=
> national markets alongside wider offline activities.
> The site will also begin to carry paid-for content, such=
>  as music downloads and develop relevant product retail elements through mu=
> sic, fashion and other areas of youth culture.
> The future will see Jockey Slut expanding further via commercial album rele=
> ases, event programming and promotion, a record label, increased merchandis=
> e, broadcast opportunities and beyond, beginning in March with two major ev=
> ents in America as part of the annual Miami Winter Music Conference. This w=
> ill be followed by a promotional tie-up with MTV and Motorola at the MotoMa=
> sh event at Canvas, London, on 21st March. Jockey Slut is also teaming up w=
> ith a number of other partners to create a series of unique music events ac=
> ross the UK, Europe and the USA through 2004.
> =85.continued on page 2
> This progressive move to becoming a credible and rounded music brand will b=
> e supported by a substantial financial investment by SP.
> Jockey Slut=92s magazine is becoming a seminal, quarterly cutting-edge musi=
> c bible offering a collectable round up of each season=92s hot releases and=
>  acts. It will be published at key times of the year tying in with major mu=
> sic events. It will be published every March, June, September and November.=
>  The March issue of Jockey Slut is on the shelves on 19th February. The on-=
> line version will be updated on a daily and weekly basis from that date onw=
> ards.
> Managing Editor, Rob Wood said:
> "Times are changing and Jockey Slut is now right out there at the forefront=
> . We are going to build on our great reputation by honing the monthly magaz=
> ine to four bumper issues and massively expanding into an im=
> mediate, on-line magazine. For topical information we will be able to infor=
> m our readers of new and exciting music even quicker and be able to offer t=
> hem even more through an interactive magazine, brand extensions and the vas=
> t potential this offers. It=92s a very exciting way of giving our readers e=
> ven more."
> Swinstead Publishing Managing Director, Jon Swinstead commented:
> "Information is so readily available now that some monthly titles struggle =
> to be either relevant or considered. Daily, weekly, weekend supplements and=
>  on-line are far more suited to timely information. We are taking a positiv=
> e step forward in order to allow the brands to grow in the appropriate medi=
> a and investing in them to ensure they achieve their vast potential within =
> this brave new world. Information is so easily accessible that the time it =
> takes for a monthly magazine to hit the shelves can make it invalid. We wan=
> t to challenge that. The revised frequency of the print executions will all=
> ow us to deliver an even higher level of editorial content, with a greater =
> planning period between each issue whilst delivering daily and weekly infor=
> mation on line. In addition it will give us more time to develop the brand =
> both here in the UK and overseas."
> To support the move, Swinstead Publishing has appointed the youth marketing=
>  agency Espionage as retained marketing communications agency for the repos=
> itioning activity.
> Jon Swinstead continued:
> "It=92s an exciting time to be involved in youth culture, and by breaking t=
> he traditional boundaries of publishing, we=92re taking a brand with huge r=
> espect and building its future on the international stage. We are thrilled =
> to be working with Espionage, they have an understanding that we simply cou=
> ld not get elsewhere and the unique ability to link commerciality with it."

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