So let's test everyone and move on with business.

On Thursday, March 19, 2020, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:

> Study in Iceland (which is testing a ton more people than we are) finds
> about half of those who test positive were asymptomatic.
> A small town in Italy tested everyone and found the same thing.  And when
> they isolated the asymptomatic people, the new cases went to zero.
> say-mass-tests-in-italian-town-have-halted-covid-19
> “We were able to contain the outbreak here, because we identified and
> eliminated the ‘submerged’ infections and isolated them,” Andrea Crisanti,
> an infections expert at Imperial College London, who took part in the Vò
> project, told the Financial Times. “That is what makes the difference.”
> The research allowed for the identification of at least six asymptomatic
> people who tested positive for Covid-19. ‘‘If these people had not been
> discovered,” said the researchers, they would probably have unknowingly
> infected other inhabitants.
> “The percentage of infected people, even if asymptomatic, in the
> population is very high,” wrote Sergio Romagnani, professor of clinical
> immunology at the University of Florence, in a letter to the authorities.
> “The isolation of asymptomatics is essential to be able to control the
> spread of the virus and the severity of the disease.”
> *From:* AF <> *On Behalf Of *Jason McKemie
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 19, 2020 8:38 PM
> *To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <>
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT: virus anomalies
> Yeah, you can't have businesses closed past then or you're going to have
> people revolting (myself included).
> On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 3:43 PM Bill Prince <> wrote:
> The isolation can not last more than a few weeks, or maybe a month - month
> and a half. At that point, we should have reduced the number of walking
> infections without symptoms, and maybe have the ability to actually test
> for it. After that, it's a crap shoot.
> bp
> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
> On 3/19/2020 1:18 PM, Mike Hammett wrote:
> With "flatten the curve" as your primary tool expected to take years and
> people only able to half pay attention for a few weeks, we'll have to find
> something else.
> -----
> Mike Hammett
> Intelligent Computing Solutions <>
> <>
> <>
> <>
> <>
> Midwest Internet Exchange <>
> <>
> <>
> <>
> The Brothers WISP <>
> <>
> <>
> ------------------------------
> *From: *"Bill Prince" <> <>
> *To: *
> *Sent: *Thursday, March 19, 2020 2:54:45 PM
> *Subject: *Re: [AFMUG] OT: virus anomalies
> The "plan" (no jokes please) seems to be short term isolation to try and
> flatten the curve. With that, all the infected people not having symptoms
> will become immune (to some extent) and no longer be contagious. I don't
> think we can keep people bottled up for more than a few weeks.
> bp
> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
> On 3/19/2020 12:49 PM, Adam Moffett wrote:
> Has anybody laid out what the long term plan is?
> We can't keep everybody at home forever and we can't stop all
> international trade and travel so sooner or later the virus has to run it's
> course, or so it seems to me.
> I know we're trying to slow down the spread so we don't overwhelm the
> hospital capacity and that's great.  Are we going to somehow reduce social
> isolation over time in a controlled way, or will social isolation end
> organically as people get sick of staying home?
> On 3/19/2020 3:16 PM, Steve Jones wrote:
> I dont know how many times i need to point out this logic
> The US is undercounted, thats a given. undercounting does not equate
> hidden numbers of magnitude
> Heres the logic thats completely being ignored
> The deaths associated with COVID19 that werent tested would have been
> attributed to flu
> There has been no reported increase in flu deaths per the anticipated
> rates this year
> The testing that has been done is very promising. Yesterdays counts of
> those tested were running around 8 percent positive. This does NOT equate
> to 8 percent of the population. The "administration bad, nobody can just go
> get a test for curiousity" argument further strengthens this as a promising
> number. The ONLY people being tested for the most part, are those in the
> very high probability category. So of those assumed to be infected, only 8
> percent of them actually are.
> We still havent hit globally the number of infections and deaths from the
> swine flu in the US alone. let me reiterate this GLOBALLY TODAY, there are
> less sick and dead, than from swine flu in the US ALONE. The current
> response is such that has never been seen in the history of the planet.
> Inmates are an issue, with a guard and an inmate at rikers island infected
> now, we have a national issue. if we dump the prisons, not only do we have
> a ton of criminals on the street, we have hundreds of thousands of indigent
> on the streets in the middle of a pandemic. (maybe not having locked up
> such a percentage of the population in the first place is a whole other OT
> rant). Iran dumped 70k inmates on the streets, i cant imagine that having
> helped their situation.
> Morons on spring break making a point of interacting even more than they
> normally would have is illogical enough to eliminate any logic.
> On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 2:00 PM Mathew Howard <>
> wrote:
> I don't know that Russia's numbers are terribly inaccurate... it's really
> just starting to spread there now, and the numbers aren't far off what
> other countries reported early on, and the cases they have reported are
> almost all in Moscow. They also have much tighter border controls than most
> of the world, and they're going on lockdown earlier into the outbreak than
> most countries did... so it's not unbelievable that they'd have low numbers
> at this point.
> But who knows what's really going on in some of these countries... it
> certainly wouldn't surprise me if China is lying about their numbers, it
> all depends on what they think is in their best interests at this point,
> and I don't trust any information from or about North Korea, no matter what
> the source is, but the high level of government control over everything in
> North Korea could certainly give them an advantage in this situation.
> On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 1:42 PM Bill Prince <> wrote:
> North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Russia, India, Mexico. I heard something on NPR
> this morning about mass graves in Iran. It may be years (or never) before
> we understand the scope of this.
> bp
> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
> On 3/19/2020 11:37 AM, wrote:
> I still believe North Korea has a huge problem that they are covering up.
> Especially in the labor camps.  Communal sleeping barns etc.  No sanitation
> facilities.
> *From:* Bill Prince
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 19, 2020 12:34 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT: virus anomalies
> Only if they attribute it properly. There is plenty of data to indicate
> that deaths have been incorrectly attributed,
> bp
> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
> On 3/19/2020 11:09 AM, James Howard wrote:
> the death count is the death count
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